King's Business - 1955-11

StoryofJesus for Boys & Girls ■ by Dena Korfker A reverent re-telling of the events o f the life of Jesus in a style and language appealing to children. True to the Biblical narrative and completely evan­ gelical in slant, this work is destined to become the most treasured in your child’s library. Lavishly illus­ trated. Durably bound in washable laminated cover. Printed in large, easy-to-read type. $1.95 Other Books by this beloved Author Questions Children Ask My Bible ABC Book Adequate answers to chil- Links the letters with Bi- dren’s inquiries about reli- ble verses. Full page gion, nature, science and life. photographs. $1.95 $1.95 Can You Tell Me? Ankie Comes to America


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Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Associate Professor of English Bible Talbot Theological Seminary opportunity to show that the Christian experience is an inner experience, and that love and obedience to Christ come from the heart. See Rom. 6:17; 10:9,10. 8. How does, joy in the heart express itself toward God? (Eph. 5:20.) 9. How does Christian joy express itself toward our fellow believers? (Eph. 5:21.)

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Dec. 11, 1955 Making the Bible My Book Rom. 15:4; Ps. 119:89-104

D A IL Y R EA D ING S Dec. 5 —

Search the Scriptures

John 6

Dec. 6 —

The Bible From God

2 Tim. 3

Dec. 7 —

A Wonderful Law

Ps. 1

Dec. 8 —

Values in G od's W ord

Ps. 19

Dec. 9 —

Ps. 119:1-16

Treasuring G od's Word

Dec. 10 —

Doers of the W ord H EA R T OF THE LESSON

Jas. 1

The Bible does not belong to any church or denomination; it belongs to each one of God’s children. The Bible was given in order that every believer might study it, obey it and treasure it. W e need to hold firmly to the precious Word in these days, and be assured that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the absolute authority for all that the Christian is to believe and do. S T U D Y QU EST ION S 1. Who is the original Author of the Bible? (2 Tim. 3:16.) 2. Discuss the reasons why the believer may accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God— the content, the authority, the power, the history, the prophecy, etc. 3. For what use was the Bible intended? (2 Tim. 3:16,17.) Discuss these two verses word by word. There is much spiritual meat in this Scripture regarding the Word of God. . 4. You may hear it said that the Old Testament is not of much value to the believer today. What does Paul teach C O N T IN U E D

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