King's Business - 1955-11

S U N D A Y SCHOOL continued The Occasion of the Parable vv. 25-29 The parable of the good Samaritan grew out of the conversation that Jesus had with the rich young ruler. After the ruler had asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, the latter turned his atten­ tion to the Scriptures— that portion with which the ruler was very familiar, name­ ly, the law. Jesus did this to get the young man to see what was his actual condition. He thought he had kept the whole law but in reality he had not. In summary the lawyer referred to the two tablets of the law, the one having to do with man’s relation to God and the other with his duty to man (v. 27). Jesus said to him, “This do, and thou shalt live” (v. 28). The only trouble was, he was not able to “this do.” Neither he nor any other man, save Jesus who was more than a mail, has ever been able to fulfill the requirement. That is why man needs a Saviour. Evidently, the lawyer’s conscience was beginning to work with respect to his actually having kept the second tablet of the law and he said, “Amd who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered with the par­ able before us. The Teaching of the Parable vv. 30-37 In the parable a desperately needy man lay by the roadside, the victim of foul treatment. A priest, a religious man who ought to have had some sympathy, passed by and refused to lift a finger to aid the poor man. Next came a Levite, who also was closely connected with the service of God, and he also offered no help. But presently a Samaritan, one most unlikely to help a man from Jerusalem because of the antipathy between the Jews and the Samaritans, passed by and “came where he was,” “saw him,” “had compassion on him” and ministered in every possible way to his need. The ap­ plication the ruler was able to make him­ self. The Samaritan was the real neigh­ bor. He helped a stranger in time of need, irrespective of who he was. He manifested true love and in this respect was very much like the Lord who came to sinful man in all his desperate need and reclaimed him. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Good Samaritan in the fullest sense of that designation. Lesson Helps for the Children W ho Is M y Neighbor? Luke 10:25-37 M E M O R Y VERSE: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself" (Luke 10:27). Each nationality believes that the Lord Jesus loves them more than He does any other people. When an Italian artist paints a picture of the Saviour, he paints an Italian face. When a German artist paints a picture, he paints a German face. Re­ cently, a Japanese artist painted a picture showing the Son of God as a Japanese man.

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