King's Business - 1955-11

Who does God love the most? God’s Word tells us that “God so loved the world . . .” No race or nation can truth­ fully say that God loves them more than He loves any other people! Christians often are unkind to those whose skin is not the same color as their skin or those who do not have as much money or are not as well educated as they. When a lawyer asked the Saviour, “Who is my neighbor?,” the Lord Jesus told him a story about a man who had been robbed and left by the wayside wounded. Two religious men came by without offering to help the sick man. Finally, a Samaritan who hated the Jews and who was hated by them cared for the sick man. The lawyer had to admit that the one who showed kindness and love was the true neighbor. Is your neighbor just the person who lives next door to you or in your block? No, those of every color, rich or poor, are your neighbors! When the Lord Jesus was asked the greatest commandment, He connected loving God and loving one’s neighbor! If you want your life as a Christian to please your Lord, you must obey both parts of this commandment. Dec. 18, 1955 Jesus, Man of Prayer Luke 3 :2 1 ,2 2 ; 4:42; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28, 29; 10:21, 22; 11:1-4 Pointers on the Lesson In connection with the Manhood of the Master as it is especially emphasized in Luke’s gospel, we find much attention given to His prayer life. Jesus was a man of prayer. On at least 15 different occa­ sions in the gospel we find Him praying. Some of these occasions have been select­ ed for this week’s study. Much profit may be gained from observing when and under what conditions the Saviour prayed. It will help us to pray more intelligently. It is to be noted that in times of special revelation or when some important re­ sponsibility was present, Jesus took time to pray. Thus we find Him praying on the occasion of His own baptism. He prayed also before the choosing of the Twelve. He prayed before asking His disciples the momentous question as to Who He was. And then we find Him praying in connection' with His transfig­ uration. These were all tremendous events in the Saviour’s life. Jesus bathed them in prayer. Martin Luther, one of the heroes of the Reformation, followed the example of His Lord in this regard in a remarkable way. During those difficult days he felt the need of as much as three hours of prayer for every hour in the conflict. Have we learned the importance of this in these busy days? Before major undertakings for Him we need to follow Jesus to the quiet place of prayer to seek His guidance and blessing. Jesus Prayed During His Busy Ministry 4:42; 5:16 In these two passages we note that Jesus was in the midst of a crowded C O N T IN U E D Jesus Prayed at Times of Crisis 3:21, 22; 6:12; 9:18, 28, 29

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