King's Business - 1955-11

S U N D A Y SCHOOL continued ministry: healing the sick, casting out demons and doing all sorts of things to bless those who came near Him. In the first passage it seems that this ministry continued well through the night. But when morning came, He sought the “des­ ert place,” not only to rest His weary body, but doubtless also to refresh His soul in prayer as we find Him doing in the second passage. The servants of God need to realize that they cannot go on ministering successfully without time out to recharge their spiritual batteries. If Jesus needed such times, how much more do we! Jesus Prayed in Times of Victory 10 : 21,22 When the Seventy returned from their tom- of witnessing and told what things had been accomplished through their min­ istry, Jesus rejoiced and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. Let Jesus’ example be followed carefully at this point. Many of us are prone to ask God for things con­ tinually, but too often forget to thank Him for what He gives. The note of grati­ tude ought always to be present among God’s children. Jesus Taught How to Pray 11:1-4 One time Jesus’ disciples heard Him praying (v. 1) in a certain place. They felt that they had never heard such pray­ ing. Compared to His praying, it seemed that they had not really prayed at all. And so they made the request “teach us to pray.” Thereupon Jesus uttered the Lord’s Prayer, or better the Disciples’ Prayer, a portion of which appears in verses two to four. The longer form is found in Matthew 6:9-15. The fact that the prayer appears in these two forms seems to indicate that it was not intended to be used primarily in rote form, but to suggest the manner and content of prayer. Later, further instructions for prayer were given (e.g. John 15:16). Lesson Helps for the Children Jesus Teaches His Friends to Pray Luke 3:21, 22; 4:42; 5:1«; 6:12; 9:18; 9:28, 29; 10:21,22; 11:1-13 M E M O R Y VERSE: " , . . Lord, teach us to pray . . . " (Luke 11:1b). How long do you think that another child would enjoy being your friend il you refused to speak to him? Not very long, would he? Frequently those who claim to have ac­ cepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their per­ sonal Saviour do not take time to speak to Him in prayer. They are too busy to let Him speak to them through His Word. Some Christians say a prayer at meal­ time or when they go to bed— a prayer that someone else has written and that they have memorized—THAT is not pray­ ing! Praying is talking with the Lord Jesus and with God as we would talk with our dearest friends or with our par­ ents. He is not at all interested in our saying a prayer that someone else has written. He is eager to have us talk with Him in our own words and tell Him our needs, thank Him for His blessings to us


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