King's Business - 1955-11

if you live in the west (and still have a radio) Start your day with a Gospel uplift It’s the Bible Institute Hour


Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

8:30 A .M . Mutual Network Mon., Wed., Fri.

Time Station Day

Dec. 11, 1955 K n o w in g a n d S h o w in g

OBJECTS: A telescope and a piece of rope. (If a telescope cannot be se­ cured, an imitation can be made by rolling wrapping paper in sections.) LESSON: No ship ever goes out to sea without taking these two objects. The sailor uses the telescope in order that he may see for a great distance. If he should see something on the wa­ ter which looked like a person, he would take his telescope in order to be able to tell what it was. If it proved to be a person, the ship would « = 3 Z 3) D draw near, a rope such as this would be thrown overboard, and the person would be rescued. The sailor could see with the telescope, but he would use the rope to rescue the drowning person. This telescope and rope can remind us of Christ’s parable of the good Samaritan. The priest and the Levite were like this telescope. They could see the poor man in trouble, but that was all they did. They may have felt very sorry for him, but their feeling sorry did not help him. He needed someone to lift him and take him to the inn where he could regain his health. This telescope and rope can remind us of the good Samaritan. He was not as proud and well-dressed, per­ haps, as the other two, but his pity caused him to do something. He lift­ ed the poor man, and, placing him on his donkey, took him to the inn and cared for him. As we journey along the pathway of life, we shall see many who have been robbed by sin. It is not enough to use the telescope on them and feel sorry. They need the rope of salva­ tion to lift them. Christ is the only One Who can help them. The best way to be a good neighbor is to tell of Christ and His power to save from sin. C O N T IN U E D

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