King's Business - 1955-11

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B. B. K IR K B R ID E B IB LE CO.# IN C. Dept. K-4611 K . of P. Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana

Dee. 18, 1955 S e e i n g a n d S e w i n g OBJECTS: A dress pattern and a piece of dress material. LESSON: If your mother intended to make a dress of this material, she would not get very far without a pattern, would she? People need pat­ terns for many things in life besides dresses. We especially need a pattern for prayer. One day as the Lord Jesus Christ finished praying, one of the disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. So Jesus said, “After this manner there­ fore pray ye” (Matt. 6:9). The Lord’s Prayer is more than a prayer—it is a pattern for prayer.

0 W ithout cost or obligation to me, send a copy of the big illustrated book, " A New P. e *or.° New D ay/' and S i ! particulars concerning the Third Improved Edition of vour New Cham Reference Bible. □ Send your special terms to Representatives.

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. . . for the orphaned, hungry and destitute children in Lebanon, Ramallah and Hong Kong . . . DEPT. ,, The Home of Onesiphorus 3939 N. HAM LIN A V E . C H IC A G O 18, ILL.


. . . continues sending out Bibles, New Testaments and Gospel Literature, Relief to suffering Christians in Europe, and Russian Gospel programs over 3 shortwave radio stations. New missionaries are ready to go to South America and Alaska as soon as support and passage to the field are provided. We are now working in 23 countries among Slavic speaking people and others. Your prayers and financial fellowship with us in this work will be greatly appreciated. Send your gift to Slavic Gospel Association Peter Deyneka, General Director Dept. KB, 2 4 3 4 N. Kedzie Blvd., C hicago 47, Illinois In Canada, 14 Park Road, Toronto, Ont.

When making a garment, one must consult the pattern very carefully in order to know what is to be done first. If we are to pray, we must know something about the pattern for prayer. The Lord Jesus said first of all, “Our Father,” showing us that prayer is on the basis of relationship. God becomes our Father when we accept Christ as Saviour. As our earthly fathers give us many things because we are related to them, so God deals with us as children when we become His children through His Son. In giving this pattern for prayer, Christ told who should be first. He said that we should first pray for three things which have to do with God: that His name should be hal­ lowed; that His kingdom should come; and that His will should be done. Having followed the first part of this pattern, let us examine the rest of it. We may now pray for food, forgiveness and guidance. After a garment has been made, which is worn—the garment or the pattern? That seems a foolish ques­ tion to ask, but we must remember that some people think they have prayed all they need to when they have repeated ¿he Lord’s Prayer. We must remember that prayer is on the basis of relationship to God as Father, that God must have first place and that our needs must come after we have so honored Him. TH E KING 'S BUSINESS

Peter Deyneka

Illustrated Slavic Gospel News sent free upon request; also Peter Deyneka!s report of spir­ itual awakening among Slavic people and others during his recent missionary trip to South America. 8-UP TABLETS M A Y W O R K A M IR A C L E FOR YO U R HEALTH Supplies 8 uncooked vegetables to your diet Nutritionists tell us that most people don’t eat enough vegetables, especially the green, leafy kind that build up strong bodies because they are rich in calcium and blood building iron. Authoritative surveys indicate that fully 85% of this country’s people are probably suffering from calcium deficiency. This may be a clue to why your health is not all it should be— and what you can do about it. Amazing, new 8-UP, pure food, vegetable tablets provide an efficient and easy way of supplying these 8 wonderful vegetables to your diet: uncooked cauliflower; celery leaves; lettuce; spinach; asparagus; tomato; beet leaves and water cress. Try a 30 day supply, only $4.00, at our risk and expense. If you don’t feel like a new person in 30 days, return the bottle and get full refund. Or, send for Free details now. D remo P roducts , 1008 s. H ampton — dept , d , D allas 8, T exas

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