King's Business - 1955-11

Cl assil ieà Gàoeïtisements

10 CEN TS PER W O R D — M IN IM U M $1.00

Bibles and Books Lending Library — Books by mail. Write for information and sample copy of Christian Read­ er's Review, Christian Reader's Library, Veeders- burg, Indiana.

Help Wanted Missionary-m inded American nurses, teachers, secretaries wanted. Evangelical Missionary A c­ tion, Ruskin, British Columbia, Canada.

Correct and singable music setting for your hymn-poem, assures editorial consideration. M u ­ sic composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), M ount Ver­ non, Ohio.

Scofield Bible — ^ complete line including new loose-leaf edition. W rite for literature. Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York.

Registered Nurse to work in Christian Home with unmarried mothers and their babies— pre and postnatal— capacity 10 girls and 4 babies. Heartsease Home, 413 East 51st Street, New York City 22, P la z a 3-5746.

Your hymn or gospel song poems set to music, or your melodies arranged by widely known hymn writer. Kindly enclose postage with en­ quiries. Haldor Lillenas, 1945 E. M ountain Street, Pasadena 7, California.

Sell Oxford-Scofield Bibles. Pastors, Missionaries 2 0 % off. Kaschel, 8 Fulton, Fairlawn, New Jersey.

M iscellaneous Network radio station m anager interested in employing highly capable announcer-technicians who are Christians. W rite King's Business, Box 123.

Object Lessons Gospel Object Lesson -and Visual Aids. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, New York.

Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Bibles rebound in attractive leather covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S.W. Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon.

Be a missionary to the Jews. Free tracts to all who have a burden for the salvation of Israel. Hebrew Christians of Bridgeport, Inc., 151 Pros­ pect Drive, Stratford, Connecticut.

Novelty Sleighbells, Cowbells, Chorded Cluster Bells, Oriental Bells, Choral Concert Glasses— 440A Pitch— Terms. Evangel Bells— M ichigan City, Indiana. Instruments,

Nam e and address Printer. Complete with auto­ matic inking unit, plastic case. Satisfaction guaranteed, 3 lines, $1. Royal Sales, Woodville Station, Porterville, California.

Sermon and Study Helps Literary and sermon helps. Busy pastors prompt­ ly assisted with sermons, addresses, thesis work, to scholarly specifications. Am ple research fa­ cilities and extensive experience over twenty- five years. Author's Research Bureau, 137 Cot­ tage Street, Jersey City 6, New Jersey.

Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.

Editing Expert editing for your manuscripts, articles, booklets, etc., plus high quality typing service; reasonable rates. Also straight m imeographing of letters and articles. Elizabeth R. Etter, 1046 W orden St., S.E., Grand Rapids 7, Michigan. Evangelistic Campaigns Evangelistic Campaigns, illustrated messages, music, films, children's features. Write for free information. N o obligation. Ruth & John Fa- sano, W inona Lake, Indiana. Films Educational films for the church. Evangelistic Audio-Visual Association Film Library. Joseph Calhoon, Bl '23, 2342 E. 126th Street, Compton, California. Come, write or phone. NEwm ark 1-9920, NEvada 6-5118. G ifts Cross crocheted bookmarks. 8 for $1.00. Mrs. Wm. Stymus, 1019 E. Eastman, Los Angeles 23, California. Accordion M anufacturers & Wholesalers Outlet ......................................................... 35 Am erican Association for Jewish Evangelism ................................... 6 Am erican Bible Society ............. 29 Am erican M essianic Fellowship ................................. 42 Am erican Mission to Greeks .................................... 5 Am erican Prophetic League ....................................... 43 Am erican Sunday School Union ........... 3 4 ,3 9 ,4 4 Babylon Rug Cleaners ...................................................... 42 Back to the Bible Broadcast ....................................... 10 Baker Book House .....__.......__:........................ 25, 28 Baptista Film s ........................................ i .............................. 31 Berne W itness Co. ............................................................. 37 Book & Bible House ...................................................... 45 Broadman Press ........................ 6 ,1 2 ,2 3 ,3 0 Brown Schools ...................................................................... 41 Ceylon & India General Mission .............................. 32 Christian Conference Cruises ....................................... 3 Christian Publications ............................................. 2 5, 44 Christian Supply ___________ .............................,... 36 Christian W orkers' Service Bureau ................ 43 Christ's Mission ................................................................ 36 Church Press .............. ...:....................................................... 42 Covenant Press ....... 40

Colored 2 x 2 lantern slides (33 mm or bantam masking) from your B & W photos, slides printed matter, 65c postpaid. Your over-exposed Kodachrome or Ansco slides color re-touched 20c each. C. Whitfield Sims, 6176 Myosotis Street, Los Angeles 42 (CLeveland 6-6129).

M inister's Filing System. W ilson Index used in­ ternationally. Satisfied users 30 years. Inexpen­ sive. Simplified. Small and large libraries. M ar- anatha Book Room, Box 622, North Platte, Nebraska.

Wanted: Five hundred new members for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania.

Stationery Personalized Stationery (50 sheets, 25 envelopes) simulated engraved on Rippletone Bond; gift- packed, $1.25. 500 Nam e and address labels, $1. Combination offer for both items: $1.75. Robert W ayne, Box 931, Merced, California.

Music Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, who is associate pro­ fessor of music at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has arranged some outstanding sacred piano solos. These arrangements are now avail­ able, for mailing, postpaid. They are: "There's a Wideness to God's M ercy," "Blessed Be the Fountain," and "Sa fe in the Arm s of Jesus." Original introductions, rich harmonies, brilliant cadenzas, modulations, chimes. Just 35.c each or all three for $1. Order direct from Dr. Gordon E. Hooker, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Advertisers’ Indes De Moulin Brothers .........................................:.L ^ .. 42 Dremo Products .................................................. 46 Dunham Publishing Company ........................... 29, 34 European Evangelistic Crusade ................................. 4 Gospel A rt Shoppe ...................................................... 3 7 ,4 2 Gospel Folio Press ....................................^ .-v ............ 25 Gospel Light Press ............................................. 2 2 ,4 0 ,4 2 Gretzinger Tours _____ ...................................... Cover 2 H. H. Halley .............. U . . . ........................................... 40 Harper and Brothers ............................................... 2 5 ,4 4 Hindustan Bible Institute 28 Holy Land G ifts ..............................J i! ......:.............. 40 Home of Onesiphorus ......................................................... 46 Hooker, Dr. Gordon E.......................................................... 39 Humberd Press ......................................................................... 39 Jah n , Herb ................. ..........,r „ ............................ 1.............. 34 John Rudin & Company ................................................ 39 Kirkbride Bible Company ............................................. 47 Kregel's ...................................................1..............................<*.. 42 Light and Life Press .....¿. j ..............♦............................. 41 Lillenas Publishing Company .................................... 39 Linda V ista Baptist Bible College ........................ 42 Little G iant M fg. Company ....................................... 41 Message to Israel ........................................................ 38 Moody Bible Institute ............................................. 9 ,2 4

Tracts and Pamphlets Free Gospel Tracts, free-will offerings used in Lord's work. W ilson Gospel Tract Depot, 1032'/2 Winchester Ave., Glendale 1, California.

Moody Press .......................................... 30, 38, 41, 42, 43 Multnomah School of the Bible .............................. 38 N ational Church Goods Supply Company ___ 46 O'Gorman, Rev. W . E. R. .......... 38 Oxford University Press ................................................ 8 Pas-Cal Company ................................................................... 38 Pocket Testam ent League .......................................... 33 Rodeheaver Hall-M ack Company ................. 3 3 ,3 5 Rose Exterm inator Company .................................... 45 Salter, Dr. W . LaVern ................... 37 Sam arkand of Santa Barbara ................. Cover 3 Singing Stories ............... 45 Slavic Gospel Association ............................................. 46 Spanish Christian Mission ............................................. 39 Southland Hotel ........................................................... 41 Standard Publishing Foundation .............................. 32 Story-O-Graphs .................................................. 29 Tabernacle Publishing Company .............................. 46 The Radio Bible Class .................. 10 Union Gospel Press .............. ^..1,^ ............................. 42 W . A . W ilde Company ................................................ 39 W estm inster Films ........................ 47 Wheaton College ......... 45 Zondervan Publishing House .. 1 1 ,2 5 ,2 9 ,3 1 ,3 3 , 35, 38, 39, 4 0, 41, 42, 43, 45



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