King's Business - 1955-11

. . . for your sunset years-

A Christian Life care residence in the Golden West!

Located in the sunlit Samarkand Hills overlooking the blue waters of the Pacific in beautiful smog-free Santa Barbara is California’s newest life care residence for Christian men and women . . . "The Samarkand” . . . and here indeed is found the golden fulfillment of dreams, in the golden Pacific sunset -— a dream home for men and women in the golden sunset years of life!

For Christians, the Persian word "Samarkand” truly means "heart’s desire.” Beautiful buildings and grounds, palatial rooms and suites, completely modern in every respect, delightfully appointed for the comfort and happiness of Christian men and women from all parts of the nation whose dreams will come true in the superb hospitality and Christian environment of "The Samarkand.” COMPLETE LIFE CARE ! You receive LIFETIME SECURITY . . . your own furnished home . . . three substantial meals daily . . . laundry . . . nursing care . . . medical service and hospitalization if needed . . . for the DURATION OF YOUR LIFE and within the average budget. "Samarkand” is available only to ambulatory men and women of good Christian character, culture and refinement.

A C H R IS T IA N E N V IR O N M E N T ! Daily chapel services; Christian films . . . sacred concerts . . . Bible classes . . . Sunday evening vesper services . . . inspiring lecture series . . . enjoyable hobby shops . . . individual counselling . . . library facilities . . . pleasant trips . . . transportation downtown.


Otis Birch, prominent Christian leader and president, Birch Oil Corp., president of "T h e Sam arkand of Santa Barbara"; Dr. Charles Fuller (director of the Gospel Broadcasting Association which sponsors the "O ld Fashioned Revival Hour"), chair­ man of "T he Sam arkand Advisory Board"; Robert G. LeTourneau, internationally fa­ mous Christian layman, philanthropist and formerly head of one of the world's larg­ est industries for the m anufacture of earth-moving machinery; Dr. Clyde Narra- more, consultant in education and psy­ chology, office of the Los Angeles county superintendent of schools, author, nation- ally known Bible conference speaker; Dr. Henrietta Mears, director of religious edu­ cation, Hollywood First Presbyterian Church, founder of Forest Home Conference grounds; Dr. V. Raym ond Edman, president of W heaton College, Wheaton, III.; Jack Wyrtzen, internationally-known New York City Christian leader; Leon Sullivan, Phila­ delphia investment banker, Christian lay­ man; Dr. Roger Voskuyl, president, West­ mont College, Santa Barbara, Calif.; Dr. Charles J. Woodbridge, distinguished edu­ cator, author, lecturer; Dr. J. Oswald Smith, nationally fam ous Toronto, Canada clergy­ man; Lionel V. Mayell. prominent Pasa­ dena, Calif. Christian business man. W R IT E T O D A Y FOR YOUR FREE DESCR IPT IVE BOOKLET

19 A East Canon Perdido Santa Barbara, C alif. A ll information cleared thru the above temporary address

In the Golden West, where golden happiness adds lustre to the sunset years of life.

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