King's Business - 1955-11

T h e tim e is now So don’t delay

Send K ing’s Business This Christmas D ay

Yes, the time is now. Christmas is only about 8 weeks away. Aren’t there several special people on your Christmas shopping list for whom a gift subscription to T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess would b e 'a thoughtful gesture? Your caring enough to give a Christian gift will bring a 12-time reminder of our Saviour’s great gift of Salvation.

Our gift for you And we have a gift for you. With 3 subscriptions we’ll send you free “The Spirit Filled Life,” by John MacNeil with introduction by Andrew Mur­ ray. This is one of those devotional books with rare, sweet insight into how we can maintain a closer walk with our Master.

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Price: $2 .50 each; 3 or more, $2 each

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