King's Business - 1955-11

Under The Parsonage Roof

THE AU TH O R IZED KING JAM ES VERSION In a special new type face With completely new helps Superbly illustrated

by Althea S. Miller

The Rules of Life W e’re at it again. “Mother, is this the objective case? Should­ n’t I say ‘for you and me’ in­ stead of ‘for you and I’? Have I blocked this sentence correctly as to g r am m a tica l construction? What are the rules?” Mother has declared she will organize a society some fine day which will automatically give any college graduated parent a Ph.D. when he has struggled with five or more ch ild r e n through the rigours of their edu­ cation. Such parents have writ­ ten the equivalent of any doc­ tor’s thesis in the lives of their children. Why can’t Mother remember the rules? She writes and speaks according to the King’s English, but those rules elude her. Down through the formative years she learned the rules and consciously put them into action. Now they are part of every written and spoken word as a sort of “ second nature.” She doesn’t have to stop before each sentence to decide the case or parse a sentence. Having once learned the basic “rules” of life as it should be lived in Christ, rooted in “ thus saith the Lord” the Christian does not have to be reminded of them. God’s child knows that hating a brother is murder as much as if a knife had been plunged in his back (Matt. 5:22). Nor does he have to be reminded that to look on a woman with lust is the same as if he had committed the overt act (Matt. 5:28). Who has to tell the bom-again man to attend the house of the Lord? When it’s time for service does he suddenly think of Hebrews 10:25: “Not for­ saking the assembling of your­ selves together” and rush off to church? When one is a bond slave to Jesus Christ his life’s rules are bound up in one: “ . . . thou shalt love the Lord thy God” (Deut. 6:5). God grant it may be said of us that we “ know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, . . . filled with all the fulness of God” (Eph. 3:19). What “ rule” is more comprehensive?


T h e 64-page N e w C o n c is e H e l p s for Bible study, which is one of the unique features of this new edition, is practically a book in itself. Its contents are specially prepared, wholly new, and designed to guide the reader through each Book of the Bible, showing him how they are related. They introduce both Testaments, select significant* verses, and provide step-by-step study guides. Included are a table of dates, geographical notes, and an index with additional notes and pronunciations. SHELDON, the new type face in which this edition is set, has been expressly designed for the Bible. It makes a beautiful page, is easy to read, yet its compactness enables the complete work to be printed in only 896 pages —which bulk less than an inch on fine Bible paper! 9 And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat Micaiah, and carry him back to / king of Judah sat either of them on his governor of the city, and toJoashl throne, clothed in their robes, and they son; sat in a void place at the entering in of the 26 And say, Thus saith the king, gate of Samaria; and all the prophets pro- fellow in the prison, and feed 1 phesied before them. bread of affliction and with watei ►In addition there are 15 full-page gravure illustrations of hallowed places and the activities of Holy Land people, 12 pages of colored maps (except in the cloth-bound edition, which contains endpaper maps) and a presentation page. With all these features, the S h e l d o n Bible is modestly priced. Available in 3 styles — size 5 Vs x 7 V 2 " 01320 Cloth, square corners, red edges, jacket. $3.00 01322 Imitation leather, limp, round corners, red edges. $4.00 01323 French Morocco, half circuit, red under gold edges. $6.75 A t your bookseller XFORD UN IVERSITY PRESS, INC., 1 1 4 Fifth A ve., N e w Y o rk 11 J \ i6 fó(iers o f the>J h itiu n ü ed J fü tß J am es J B iffó s ô tc e 1ÔJ5



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