How Bad Posture Affects You

“ Why Not Make the Ability To Improve Posture Available To Everyone?”

5 Essential Steps To Improve Your Posture Forever! Good posture is an ongoing fight against gravity. Gravity wants to pull you to the floor and your muscles have to counteract that to keep you upright. While your posture may have changed over the years, the good news is that there is a lot that you can do to improve your posture and reduce your pain: 1. PHYSICAL THERAPY – We are experts in evaluating posture and guiding you on the proper techniques to change your posture and reduce your pain. Call us if you are having frequent aches and pains. We can examine your posture and put you on the right road to a pain-free life. 2. GET UP FREQUENTLY – When working at a computer or sitting in front of a TV, get up at least every 30 minutes

to walk around for at least one minute.

3. PROPER COMPUTER SETUP – Make sure that your desk chair and computer are at the proper height. Having a proper ergonomic set-up is key to maintaining proper posture at work and at home. 4. SITTING PROPERLY – Sitting upright with your feet on the floor (don’t cross your legs) keep a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. 5. EXERCISE FREQUENTLY –Walking, running, stretching, and strengthening certain muscles are very important. Strengthen your back and neck muscles to maintain a better posture. To see how we can improve your posture, eliminate your pain and get you back to the activities you love to do, call us today!


Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Inc. is a unique physical therapy facility in Richmond, VA. Our physical therapists provide care to people with musculoskeletal injuries who strive to return to work, sports, and/or an active, full lifestyle. Our physical therapists are trained to evaluate and treat the source of pain rather than merely treat symptoms. We look at your muscles, joints and entire body as a whole unit. Our clinicians work in tandemwith patients to set and reach goals by using innovative strategies, such as dry needling in order to help them attain their highest level of wellness. Each of our clinicians has undergone extensive training in treating musculoskeletal problems. Our physical therapists also have their own specialties. We work as a team to optimize your treatments and progress.

Our Physical Therapists Are Trained To Find & Treat The Source Of Pain!

- Tracey Adler, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT

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