Lincoln Highway / Route 30 The southern edge of UNK abuts the Lincoln Highway, also known as Route 30, which is owned and maintained by the NDOR. Over most of its length, the road is a wide and straight section of five-lane highway with several small, paved medians and only two pedestrian crossings. At its eastern end, the road curves around the southeast corner of campus creating an awkward ge- ometry for the campus entrance intersection at Ninth Avenue. Two roadway reconfiguration alternatives were prepared as part of this study. The University will work with the City of Kearney and the NDOR to select an alternative and resolve the road’s layout. Both alternatives include a new gateway to the University at the Ninth Avenue connection with Route 30 that includes well-marked pedestrian crossings, gateway columns, special pavement at the vehicular threshold to Ninth Avenue, a planted median, street trees, and clear views of the Memorial Columns and the Ninth Avenue campus edge. The 5,000 foot long edge of Route 30 is bordered by a 5-foot wide sidewalk that is fully exposed to the westbound traffic lane as well as wind, blowing snow and rain, and slush thrown by snow plows. Commercial land uses and parking lots line much of the south side of the highway providing a bleak view from campus. Goals for this highly visible campus edge are multi-faceted. Changing the appearance and use of the area so that it becomes an obvious and attractive southern edge of the campus rather than a northern extension of the highway is the primary goal. To promote pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, a wide, multi- use trail that is set back from the roadway and lined by a double row of street trees, is proposed over its entire length. Each connecting road intersection is enhanced with special pedestrian and bicycle crossings, UNK columns, and street trees. The western end of this edge of campus will become an entirely new setting with the addition of a campus gateway intersection where the relocated University Drive meets Route 30. Special pavement for the intersection and corners, as well as gateway columns, UNK signs, street trees, planted medians, and wide connecting walks and trails will extend an urban, pedestrian- oriented atmosphere across the highway. A large curving stonewall with an integral UNK sign is proposed for the southwest corner of campus. It will complete the streetscape and University identity improvements on the southern edge of campus. Fur- ther proposed enhancements to the roadway to be considered by NDOR include planted medians, safer crosswalks with brick paving, and street trees.
B. Edges and Gateways Campus edges and gateways define the institution from the outside; they present an image to the community and visitor that will form a lasting impression. This plan proposes improvements to campus edges that will embrace UNK’s purposeful com- mitment to providing a safe and comfortable place for people to live and learn. UNK’s campus has three distinct edges; they are formed by Ninth Avenue to the east, Route 30 to the south, and University Drive and the Kearney Canal to the north. The proposed design approach is slightly different for each edge because they each have different functions and physical characteristics. A conscious choice has been made for the university campus to comple- ment the surrounding streets and neighborhoods rather than be separated from them. Since all three edges are motor vehicle routes, emphasis is placed on creating edges that appear to be more a part of the campus than the adjacent roadway.
Edges & Gateways Site Diagram
Ninth Avenue Ninth Avenue is owned and maintained by the City of Kearney. It is part of the surrounding historic residential neighborhood, with mature street trees, older homes, quiet intersecting streets, and a green and attractive campus edge, this is a prime loca- tion for the ‘front door’ to the University. Its intersection with Route 30 presents the opportunity to create a memorable gate- way. Changes to Ninth Avenue are primarily restricted to the intersections with the exception of the introduction of a multi-use trail for bicyclists and pedestrians created by widening the west sidewalk. Street trees are added where there are empty spaces and each intersection is enhanced with brick corners, crosswalk markings, ornamental lights, and UNK monuments.
Route 30 at Fine Arts
Proposed Section - Route 30 @ Brunner Hall Facing East
Ninth Ave. Facing South
Proposed Section - Ninth Ave. Facing North
Route 30 at College of Education
Proposed Section - Route 30 at College of Education Facing East
Chroma Design Inc.
University of Nebraska - Kearney Campus Landscape Master Plan
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