UNK Landscape Master Plan Booklet

I. Accessibility UNK is responsible for providing students, teachers, staff, and visitors the oppor- tunity to fully participate in its mission. Campus-wide accessibility for people with disabilities is a goal and reaching it requires continuous assessment and improve- ments to the University’s buildings and site. To plan for full accessibility requires an understanding of the needs of the people who participate in the life of the University. Common disabilities to be understood in planning the physical environment are mobility, impaired hearing, and impaired sight. UNK has made substantial investments to update accessibility throughout campus. New projects are required to meet the requirements of the UNK Design Guidelines for Facilities Construction, which requires that “all projects with a construction cost of more than $50,000 be submitted for review by the UNK ADA Compliance Officer.” The guidelines also require full compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) and Title 156-Nebraska Accessibility Requirements of the Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC). The University’s office of Human Resources and Affirmative Action responds to concerns raised by individuals with special needs. They also investigate and recommend changes to facilities or policies that will help the University improve campus-wide mobility, building access, and communication. A campus access map is recommended to complement the services provided, showing the loca- tion of the most direct accessible paths between arrival and destination points as well as the location of handicapped parking spaces, elevators, and accessible restrooms. This map should be made available electronically on the UNK website. Universal accessibility signs, especially for main accessible entrances are also critical to serving the disabled. This master plan focuses on the campus landscape; an important principle of the plan is to provide accessibility in the most appropriate way, throughout the outdoor environment. Meeting the recommendations and guidelines of the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act is a baseline requirement. Beyond ADA, accessibility recommendations should be in keeping with the proposed character and vision for the university, fitting closely with architectural styles, landscape types, and the institution’s public image and character. Accessibility improvements should be coordinated with staff working on associated issues including security, transporta- tion, snow removal, and facilities. Accessibility Recommendations: 1. Building Access: improve access with grade changes and building access ramps that seamlessly fit into the architectural entry experience. 2. Curb Ramps and Pedestrian Crossings: Include contrasting color detectable warn- ing strips on all access ramps, sign all pedestrian crossings of roadways, and add brick pavement to pedestrian crossings in key pedestrian/vehicular conflict zones. c. Pathways: inspect regularly and repair cracked and irregular surfaces. d. Parking Lots: provide clear pedestrian connections to campus pathways, include handicap spaces convenient to each nearby destination. e. Signage: include Quick Response (QR) codes on Building Identification, Direc- tory, Wayfinding, and Interpretive signs to help visually-impaired individuals download information to smart phones and computers.

J. Signs and Wayfinding

Signs are important expressions of the character of a university, they announce ar- rival, direct the visitor, and inform the community. The existing UNK Identification, Building Identification, and Parking Lot Identification signs follow UNK standards for size, color, material, layout, copy, and graphic content. No change is proposed to these signs or standards but a set of new signs are proposed to be added to the family of UNK signs including: Gateway Wall Signs, Columns and Walls, Direc- tory Signs, Wayfinding Signs, Interpretive Signs, and Tree Identification Signs. The Gateway Wall signs are proposed at the East and West Gateways on Route 30. They are composed of a pair of overlapping curved stone walls that will hold the pin- mounted metal letters for the standard UNK identification sign. UNK Columns are proposed at two different scales, one for the east and west gateways and the other for pedestrian entrances. A pair of the larger scale columns will be located at the West Gateway, they are joined to sloping stone sign walls and will announce the new campus entrance at the relocated University Drive intersection. The large and small columns are designed as a contemporary representation of historic architec- tural details already found on campus. The materials are stone, brick, metallic tiles, and internal LED lighting. Directory signs are proposed for visitor orientation at key arrival points on campus. They are rectangular signs of steel and aluminum con- struction with colors and graphics matching the UNK Sign Standards. The Directory signs will include a “bird’s eye” three-dimensional view of campus with all build- ings labeled, an indexed location grid, a “you are here” symbol, and legend listing building names and locations. Wayfinding signs will assist visitors with directional guidance at key decision points on campus. They will be of steel and aluminum construction and will conform to the UNK Sign Standards. Interpretive signs will add another dimension to the information system by providing public display of interesting facts about campus places, art, and history. Interpretive signs will also be furnished with Quick Response (QR) codes to help the visually impaired and to allow digital phone access to additional pertinent information. Tree Identification Signs are also proposed, since the campus is part of the Nebraska Arboretum and has many beautiful mature trees that represent a wide variety of species; signs could be added to the trunks to identify the Genus, species, and common name.

Copeland Hall Access Ramp & Stairs

Founders Hall Temporary Access Ramp

Protected Crosswalk at CU-Boulder

1 - Directory 2 - Building ID 3 - Wayfinding 4 - Interpretive 5 - Tree I.D.

UNK Detectable Warning

Kearney Yellow DOT Warning



3 4


6 - Gateway Wall 7 - Column & Wall


UNK SIgn Family 6

UNK Handicap Spaces along 9th Ave.

Quick Response (QR) Code


Chroma Design Inc.

University of Nebraska - Kearney Campus Landscape Master Plan

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