UNK Landscape Master Plan Booklet

Landscape Master Plan and Projected Site Water Requirements After reviewing the existing landscape with the UNK staff, all existing and proposed landscaped areas were identified. All area figures within this report reflect all anticipated landscape improve- ments to the main campus. Based on the landscape areas identified by the Landscape Master Plan, the associated site water requirements have been established. The peak season application rate is based on a 30-year his- torical evaluation of the weather in the Kearney area. All water use projections and peak flow calculations are based on applying required ir- rigation water within a six-night, eight-hour per night weekly watering window. This allows for all irrigation to take place when activity at the cam- pus is low and the wind and temperature condi- tions are at optimum levels for the most efficient application of the irrigation water. The resulting areas and flow values are included in Table ‘A’ (Proposed) and Table ‘B’ (Existing). The build-out summary for the proposed campus is as follows;

Unverstiy of Nebrasks Kearney Master Plan Kearney, Nebraska University of Nebraska Kearney Master Plan

Project Name: Project Location: Date:

Unverstiy of Nebrasks Kearney Master Plan Kearney, Nebraska University of Nebraska Kearney Master Plan

Project Name: Project Location: Date:

Table B Existing Irrigation Monthly water use (gallons) 7,867,447 10,016,908 12,729,821 13,773,249 11,895,079 8,764,795 6,260,568

Table A Proposed Irrigation Monthly water use (gallons)



Seasonal Water Use and Peak Flow Projections Prepared By HydroSystems-KDI, Inc.

Seasonal Water Use and Peak Flow Projections Prepared By HydroSystems-KDI, Inc.

Application Rate (in./month)

Maximum Required Flow (GPM)

Application Rate (in./month)

Maximum Required Flow (GPM)

Irrigated Acres

Irrigated Acres





Spray Irrigated

April May June

5.39 6.86 8.71 9.43 8.14 6.00 4.29 2.69 3.43 4.36 4.71 4.07 3.00 2.14 2.90 3.69 4.69 5.08 4.38 3.23 2.31 2.09 2.67 3.39 3.67 3.17 2.33 1.67

Spray Irrigated Bluegrass Sod

April May June

4.71 6.00 7.63 8.25 7.13 5.25 3.75 2.69 3.43 4.36 4.71 4.07 3.00 2.14 2.90 3.69 4.69 5.08 4.38 3.23 2.31 2.09 2.67 3.39 3.67 3.17 2.33 1.67

6,205,851 7,901,348 10,041,297 10,864,354 9,382,851 6,913,680 4,938,343

Bluegrass Sod

48.50 July


53.80 July








annual sub-total

42.71 /yr

56,247,724 /yr

annual sub-total

48.81 /yr

71,307,866 /yr

172.63 acrefeet

218.85 acrefeet

Spray Irrigated

April May June

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Spray Irrigated

April May June

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Native Seed

Native Seed

0.00 July


0.00 July








annual sub-total

24.41 /yr

0 /yr 0.00 acrefeet

annual sub-total

24.41 /yr

0 /yr 0.00 acrefeet

Spray Irrigated

April May June

Spray Irrigated

April May June

Shrubs & Perennials

Shrubs & Perennials

Seasonal Water Use Requirements Total projected irrigated area 53.8 acres

0.00 July


0.00 July








Total projected annual water use 181.01 acre/feet

annual sub-total

26.28 /yr

0 /yr 0.00 acrefeet

annual sub-total

26.28 /yr

0 /yr 0.00 acrefeet

Drip Irrigated

April May June

301,407 383,754 487,687 527,662 455,708 335,785 239,846

Drip Irrigated

April May June

Shrubs & Perennials

Shrubs & Perennials

Total projected peak flow requirement 893 gallons per minutes

5.30 July


0.00 July





The seasonal water use requirements are con- sidered for established plant material irrigation. Any new plant material will require 2-3 times the water for establishment. To meet these demands, the system will need to operate at approximately 70% efficiency. This will require implementing several steps, from in- stallation to operation, of a new irrigation system for the reasons covered in this document. The current combined campus capacity utilizing the building taps, dedicated taps and pumps is estimated at approximately 1780 gpm .




annual sub-total

18.98 /yr

2,731,848 /yr

annual sub-total

18.98 /yr

0 /yr 0.00 acrefeet

8.38 acrefeet

Site Totals

53.80 irrigated acres

58,979,572 gals/yr

Site Totals

53.80 irrigated acres

71,307,866 gals/yr

16 average in/sqft/yr 181.01 acrefeet/yr

19 average in/sqft/yr 218.85 acrefeet/yr

Minimum Average Peak Season Flow (GPM)

Minimum Average Peak Season Flow (GPM)

Using a Tap


Using a

0 " Tap


Projections are based on a six day per week, six hour per day, peak season watering schedule. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Bluegrass Sod is 1.86'' per week. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Native Seed is 1.06'' per week. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Shrubs & Perennials is 1.15'' per week. Peak season application for Drip Irrigated Shrubs & Perennials is 0.83'' per week.

Projections are based on a six day per week, six hour per day, peak season watering schedule. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Bluegrass Sod is 2.13'' per week. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Native Seed is 1.06'' per week. Peak season application for Spray Irrigated Shrubs & Perennials is 1.15'' per week. Peak season application for Drip Irrigated Shrubs & Perennials is 0.83'' per week.


Chroma Design Inc.

University of Nebraska - Kearney Campus Landscape Master Plan

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