UNK Landscape Master Plan Booklet

East Gateway

Defined at its eastern edge by Ninth Avenue, UNK is introduced to the westbound visitor by 25th Street’s UNK light pole ban- ners and the long distance view of the campus bell tower framed by trees and the memorial columns. At Ninth Avenue, the approaching motorist is confronted with choices that clearly lead around the campus but not necessarily into it. This decision point and the following journey to the proposed “front door” of campus at Martin Hall will complete the “Eastern Gateway” experience. The series of spaces along this route will create the public’s first impression of UNK. For this reason, a clear and consistent presentation of the university landscape is proposed. Using signature gateway columns at the initial turn and a smaller version of the same at each intersection while enhancing the streetscape with red brick paving, shade trees, ornamen- tal planting, decorative lighting, and generous accommodations for pedestrians will provide a welcoming threshold to guide the visitor into the campus. The sense of arrival will be distinct as one passes through a carefully designed landscape that is uniquely the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Two transportation-planning options have been developed for the gateway intersection, the ‘Roundabout’ and the ‘T’. Each will create a sense of arrival by deliberately changing the motorist’s visual orientation and providing a university “threshold” at the entrance to Ninth Avenue. The university will work with the City of Kearney and the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), to resolve the transportation planning decisions and select the most suitable alternative.

East Gateway - Roundabout Alternative


East Gateway - “T” Intersection Alternative

Existing - East Gateway

Proposed - East Gateway (Roundabout Alternative)


Chroma Design Inc.

University of Nebraska - Kearney Campus Landscape Master Plan

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