Longevity Medical Institute Research eBook

o Source: arXiv 10. Study: "Activating Brain-Gut Connection with Light Reduces Depression" o Findings: Explores how PBM targeting the brain-gut axis can alleviate symptoms of depression, highlighting its potential in mental health.

Source: Neuroscience News


Micro-Impact Plate (LLMS) Studies 1. Study: "Juvent's Micro-Impact Platform for Increasing Bone Mineral Density in Pediatric Cancer Survivors"

o Findings: This randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study

demonstrated that Micro-Impact Therapy effectively improved total body and tibial bone mineral density (BMD) in pediatric cancer survivors. Participants who completed 70% or more of the prescribed sessions experienced a mean increase of 11.2% in tibial trabecular BMD. Source: Juvent Health Research 2. Study: "Human Health Benefits of Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation (LMMS)" o o Findings: This review discusses the anabolic effects of LMMS on the skeletal system, highlighting its role in stimulating mesenchymal stem cells toward osteoblastogenesis. Clinical studies have shown that LMMS improves pain, balance, gait quality, and inflammatory markers in elderly subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Source: Juvent Health Research 3. Study: "Differentiating Human Health Benefits: Micro-Impact Therapy vs. Whole Body Vibration" o o Findings: This paper compares Micro-Impact Therapy with Whole Body Vibration, emphasizing the safety and efficacy of low-magnitude mechanical stimulation in promoting bone health and reducing the risk of low back pain associated with high-magnitude vibrations.

Source: Juvent Health Research


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