(Continued From Outside)
The most common combination of pain is in the neck and the back. If you are experiencing both, it is most likely stemming from the neck. Wedon’ttypicallythinkabout it,butweuseournecksfora lotofourdailyactivities.Even simple things, such as turning to grab something out of the cupboard or looking over yourshoulderwhenbackingoutofadriveway,usea lotofneckmuscles.Whenyoudo simple taskssuchas these,doyoufindyourself turningyourentirebody,asopposed to just your head? If so, you could experience back pain along with your neck pain. Whenyouhave limitedmotion inyourneck,yourbodycompensatesby twistingmore than itusuallywould, thusover-rotatingyour lowerback.Thiscouldcauseasourceof painorgeneraldiscomfort in thearea,due toabnormaloveruse. Ifyouareexperiencing neckpain,backpain,oracombinationofboth,ourphysical therapistswouldbemore than happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how they can help. Call us today to talk to an expert about how we can relieve your aches and pains! How can I tell if my neck is causing my back pain? It can sometimes to be difficult to determine if your back pain is rooted in your neck. This simple, at-home test can assist you in figuring it out: 1. Stand straight in front of another person. They will be your eyes regarding the movements you make. 2.Once theyarewatchingyou, turnyourheadas farasyoucomfortablycan to the left. Repeat thesamemotion to theright.Have them takenoteofhowfaryouareable togo. 3. Now, sit down in front of the same person. Repeat the same turning motions from a chair or couch. Again, have them take note of how far you are able to comfortably turn your head. 4. Ask if there were any differences in the turning movement. Did one side seem to turn further than the other? Was there a difference in standing vs. sitting?
This test is helpful in finding out if your neck is causing (or is at risk of causing) pain inyour lowerback. Ifyourmovement is limited,especiallysittingdown, itmeans that the muscles in your back or upper back are tight. These constricted motions can cause pain in the lower back. Howcanphysicaltherapyhelpme? Physicaltherapy isthe leadingrecommendation forbackpain.Physical therapistsare trained toevaluatemuscleand jointmovement, and theycaneasilyassistyou infinding the rootofyourproblem.Theywill thoroughly evaluateyou tofigureoutwhyyouareexperiencingpain,determining thesourceand treatingallaffectedareas.Afteryour initialconsultation, theywillcreateaspecialized treatment plan for you, based on their diagnosis of your specific needs. A physical therapist’sendgoal is thesameasyours– togetyou feelingbetter,healthier,andmore comfortable! Ifyouareexperiencing lowerbackpainand think itmaybecausedbyan issue occurring in your neck, give us a call today. We’ll get you moving comfortably again in no time.
Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve your back pain.
Success Story
“My Physical Therapists at OSR were very skilled physical therapists. They put together a detailed plan for me to follow both during and post-PT. I was there due to having a total left knee replacement. Some days were tough as they worked
Strengthens Core
QUADRUPED ALTERNATE ARM & LEG RAISE While on your hands and knees, slowly raise up an arm out in front of you. Then, slowly raise the opposite leg behind you, while keeping your back straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times on both sides.
on my range of motion and to break-down the scar tissue resulting from thesurgery.Onmy "graduationday,"as theycall it, Imeasured 0 degrees when straightening my leg, and was able to bend it a full 134 degrees. I realize I still have a lot of post-PT work to do over the next 10 months until my leg is fully healed, but I am currently able to use my left leg far better than at any time in the past few years. Thank you, OSR, for all your help and for caring about me not only as a client but also as a person." - Mark
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