Cullen Gable Restraint System

Jointing of panels

Jointing of panels

Fixing must be positioned maximum of 150mm from edge of panel (top & bottom)

38 x 89mm panels - PSTS-6.5 x 65mm screws at maximum of 333mm centres

47 x 97mm panels PSTS-8 x 85mm screws at maximum of 500mm centres

To meet the requirements of EN1995-1-1:2004+A2:2014 “the required vertical connection strength between two panels should be evaluated but should have a design strength of at least 2,5 kN/m”.

To achieve this panels are to be fixed using the following Paslode structural timber screws or the Paslode nail fixing.

Panel thickness where screw head is located (mm)

Panel thickness where screw point is located (mm)

Fixing type

Fixing Centres (mm)

PSTS-6.5 x 65 PSTS-8 x 85 Paslode 3.1 x 65 Paslode 3.1 x 90

38 47 38 47

38 47 38 47

333 500 130 130

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