Total fuel consumption: Council Fleet and Equipment
CASE STUDY: Solar powered
Council now has solar installations across 12 of its buildings including aquatic centres, libraries, community and sports facilities and our Service Centres. Our latest installation is a 29.6 kW solar PV system on the roof of our Service Centre at 311 Glenferrie Road. In 2016/17, we’ll install an even larger system on the roof of Malvern Town Hall. Solar installations across Council roofs currently generate around 362,465 kWh of solar energy per year – the equivalent of approximately 4% of electricity used by Council buildings in 2015/16. This is enough to power around 65 Stonnington homes each year! Within the Stonnington community, solar has already been installed on over 1,360 Stonnington properties and in 1.4 million Australian households. To help our residents understand whether solar would suit their properties and navigate the range of solar options, Council engaged independent energy experts, Positive Charge to: » provide reliable and independent advice on the suitability of solar at a property » source an obligation free quote from a carefully selected and reputable solar supplier, approved through the Clean Energy Council (CEC). Positive Charge undertook a rigorous process to select a preferred solar supplier, in which system quality, price and warranties were considered. All solar suppliers in the industry were invited to participate in this process, which was independently reviewed by the Alternative Technology Association. So far, over 31 kW of solar has been installed on Stonnington homes through Council’s home energy programs.
Total litres
14/15 15/16
In 2014/15 Council resumed some street cleaning services previously provided under contract. This resulted in increased fuel consumption due to additional vehicles and equipment.
Council’s fuel use decreased between 2014/15 and 2015/16. This reflects Council’s ongoing commitment to prioritising the purchase of low and alternative fuel consumption vehicles (such as diesel and LPG).
Total Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2015 target
15,000 13,585
10,000 11,887
2020 target
Tonnes of CO2
* Total Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions presented in the Sustainability Snapshot 2014/15 have been adjusted in 2015/16 due to incorrect electricity and gas data reported in 2014/15 resulting from missing data from utility providers.
The City of Stonnington has successfully met its 2015 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 2005 levels. Council has managed to meet this target despite the addition of a large new office located at 311 Glenferrie Road. This new building opened in October 2015.
Due to its continued investment in energy efficiency, including a bulk upgrade of its streetlights, Council is confident that it will meet its 2020 target of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
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