NZQA Christ's College Framework

Authenticity Authenticity means that the work a student presents for assessment must be their own work. It must not be directly copied from information such as books, other students, or from information downloaded from the internet, including work generated through artificial intelligence tools. It is quite acceptable for students to discuss aspects of their work with friends, parents, etc and to access any information from the internet, books or other resources, as long as the assessment submitted is all their own work. Material sourced from reference books/internet must be appropriately acknowledged as instructed by the teacher.

Students are actively discouraged from sharing either present or past work with another student as it opens both students up to accusations of academic dishonesty.

Authenticity is also to do with the adherence to rules of behaviour in assessments. Instances of misconduct may include cheating, copying, disruption, or use of non-approved information sources.

The following procedures can help ensure a high level of authenticity: ●​ Supervised assessment in class ●​ Use of a secure assessment tool such as ●​ Assessor's knowledge of student's capability based on experience ●​ Requiring the student to report progress at set milestones

●​ Changing topics or context from year-to-year to prevent copying from previous student's work ●​ Controlling resources students may use if practicable, and being familiar with the resources ●​ Retaining all student work from one year to another ●​ Oral checks with student to ensure understanding of topic; requiring repeat performance if there is doubt ●​ Oral presentation of topic to class ●​ Avoidance of topics which can be downloaded from the Internet ●​ Having detailed knowledge of individual students and their work ●​ Observing the student doing the research or practical planning; not allowing work to go home ●​ No access to other students' files in computing; controlled log-on and printing ●​ Controlling group work by breaking task into group and individual components or requiring group attestations of contribution and signature on authenticity statement ●​ Requirement to supply sources of assistance including people and materials ●​ Have students complete work in a Google Doc and using the Draftback extension to observe the writing process. ●​ Use the online submission feature of Schoolbox with similarity check turned on to have work checked by ●​ Requiring students to complete an assessment cover sheet provided by the teacher indicating that the work is their own for each internally assessed task not carried out under supervision in the classroom; online submission through Schoolbox which requires students to complete an authenticity statement. ●​ Explaining clearly to students the rules and consequences regarding communication, disruption, copying or cheating at the beginning of each test. ●​ Explaining clearly to students the parameters regarding AI use, and what is appropriate and inappropriate. (see separate guidelines)

Christ’s College Assessment Procedures​ ​


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