NZQA Christ's College Framework

Breach of assessment rules

Assessment misconduct is a serious offence and will be treated as such by the College. If work is found to have been completed in a dishonest manner, the student will receive a Not Achieved grade for that assignment and no other assessment opportunity will be given for that achievement standard. If the work has been copied from another student with both their knowledge, then both students will receive a Not Achieved grade for that assessment and no other assessment opportunity will be given for that achievement standard. Any offences involving dishonesty will be recorded on their school record.

If a student is found to be guilty of repeated assessment misconduct, the matter will be referred to the Deputy Principal as a breach of College values. NZQA may also be informed.

Where there is doubt over the authenticity of work, or there is suspected misconduct, teachers must inform the Principal’s Nominee by completing the Assessment Misconduct form available in the Common Room or from the EA Academic Administration. The Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning will then follow up with the student concerned in conjunction with their Housemaster.


Students can dispute the grade of an assessment or the conditions of the assessment.

Students wishing to appeal the grade that they have received or the conditions of the assessment for an internal assessment should first ask their teacher to check the marked work before it is removed from the classroom. Students should be provided with a completed assessment schedule and explanation of where their work did not meet the standard. If the appeal cannot be resolved with the class teacher, the work will be retained and the HoD should be approached. The HoD will then provide the student with an appeal form.

If the matter still cannot be resolved, the Assessment Appeal form must be forwarded to the Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning who will make the final decision.

Appeals must be made within seven days of students receiving the marked assessment.

Teachers should be open to discussion with students about the marking processes or decisions made.

Christ’s College Assessment Procedures​ ​


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