NZQA Christ's College Framework

Documentation and entering of grades

Record keeping must meet the following requirements to ensure that students’ results are accurately recorded and secure, and able to cover eventualities such as loss of a mark book.

Individual teachers are responsible for entering student grades.

Teachers must ensure: ●​ All NCEA assessment results are recorded in Schoolbox on the due work assessment. Grades and feedback must be entered and published within 4 weeks of the assessment being handed in ●​ All internal assessments must be recorded in Schoolbox no later than Wednesday 22nd October (week 3, Term 4) ●​ All student entries must have a grade reported against their names, otherwise the student needs to be withdrawn from that particular standard. If a student has been present and able to sit the standard and chosen not to complete it without prior discussion, this is a Not Achieved, not a withdrawal ●​ Unit standards are recorded to element level, achievement standards are recorded for an entire achievement standard as Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit or Excellence ●​ Students should record their achievement on a tracking sheet as a personal record and as a check to ensure accuracy ●​ Students must receive feedback on their assessment ●​ Students must sign off on their grades at the end of the year via the digital signoff process through Schoolbox ●​ Privacy laws apply to student assessment information. Any student work to be kept and used as exemplar material must have permission from that student .

Further assessment opportunities

Further assessment opportunities refer to additional assessment opportunities available to students. This applies only to internally assessed achievement standards and unit standards; there is no further assessment opportunity for externally assessed achievement standards. Students will have a maximum of one further assessment opportunity for internally assessed NCEA standards. A further assessment opportunity is only appropriate if additional learning has taken place since the first assessment opportunity. It is not compulsory to offer an opportunity for further assessment, but if it is offered, it must be offered to all students. For some assessments, (e.g. those involving field trips) a further assessment is not usually a possibility. Further assessment opportunities are at the discretion of the HoD.

All grades must be available as a result of a further assessment opportunity (i.e. Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit, and Excellence, in the case of Achievement Standards).

Students may also be offered a resubmission. This is where a student can be offered the opportunity to correct a minor error in an assessment where there has been no further teaching. Resubmissions will be limited to one opportunity and are at the discretion of the HoD for students on the grade boundary of Not Achieved and Achieved. Students can not have resubmission opportunities if they have met the standard.

Christ’s College Assessment Procedures​ ​


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