NZQA Christ's College Framework

Appendix 1


Achievement Standard or Unit Standard

Specifies the assessment requirements for credit towards a national qualification.


The collection and evaluation of evidence of student performance.

Assessment Activity

Activity provided to enable students to present evidence for assessment against the standard.

Assessment Criteria

Provide guidance to assessors and students as to the type and level of performance required for each grade.

Assessment Schedule

Designed to achieve consistency of judgement between different assessors. Provides guidance on the minimum evidence and quality of evidence required for each grade. It is specific to a particular activity and reflects what is in the achievement standard.


Ensuring the evidence presented is the student's own work.


Samples of student work that signify the standard of evidence required for particular grades to be awarded. They relate to a particular assessment activity and support judgments made in the assessment schedule. Provide clarification and/or expansion of requirements for the standard. They refer to the relevant part of the curriculum and detail the content and contexts that can be used.

Explanatory Notes

External Assessment

Work is assessed by 'marker' from outside the school.

Formative Assessment

Assessment used to determine ongoing teaching and learning needs of students.

Internal Assessment

Work is assessed by classroom teacher (subject to national quality checks).

Management of National Assessment

Its purpose is to ensure national consistency of assessor judgment. The process is administered by NZQA and checks the assessment procedures of a school and the assessment judgments of a department.

Standards Based Assessment

A process by which evidence of achievement is judged against standards.

Summative Assessment

Assessment that takes place at the end of learning and contributes to an overall judgement of student performance.

Christ’s College Assessment Procedures​ ​


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