Building SMART – The Ardmac Way

Building SMART –The ArdmacWay

On site is where most of the benefits of this technology implementation are realised. Efficiencies are greatly improved by removing the need for walking to and from the site office for

information by adding the ability to complete Safety and Quality inspections on mobile devices and by tracking the key project metrics such as open RFIs, overdue snags and outstanding submittals.


Communication among all project teams has become streamlined. Each of the tools on the platform manage a specific part of the project, all data is controlled via role-based permissions. This ensures data privacy is guaranteed for all collaboration partners. All project drawings are uploaded on the platform, there is then an ability to overlay RFIs, Inspections, Photos and other items and pin to the relevant locations on the drawings. This is an extremely powerful function and is used extensively on all Ardmac projects. Some of the tools and features of the platform are shown in Figure 7 & Figure 8. Processes are also flexible and allow for the collaboration with client’s platforms if required. Streamlined workflows have been developed to utilise the benefits of the software while also sharing information with other systems particularly at handover stage.


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