Retail Edition

AlbertWatson RECE IVES ORDER OF THE BR I T I SH EMP I RE MEDAL OF HONOR Duggal congratulates Albert Watson on being awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for his lifetime contributions and achievements in the photography community. Watson, a longtime Duggal client, accepted his medal of honor in a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace in June. The famed photographer’s illustrious career spans more than 40 years, during which he has created some of the world’s most iconic photographs, many of them now featured in galleries and museums. The Scottish photographer has shot more than 100 covers for Vogue and 40 covers for Rolling Stone, and he has created imagery for countless ad campaigns by global brands including The Gap, Levi’s and Chanel. He is the man behind the official posters for box-office hits such as Kill Bill and The Da Vinci Code, and has directed more than 100 TV commercials. A paragon of passion and pillar of the commercial photography industry, Watson has been visiting Duggal’s Bob Kapoor and Ashma Bhulla for their photographic production and mounting consultancy since the late ‘90s. The working relationship dates back another 15 years to their first encounter, when Kapoor processed Watson’s film and personally delivered it to his downtown apartment. Watson’s OBE medal joins an impressive trophy case that includes a Lucie Award, the Hasselblad’s Masters Award, three ANDY Awards, the Royal Photographic Society’s Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship, and even a Grammy Award. Frequent Duggal partner Photo District News named Watson one of the 20 most influential photographers of all time. Cheers to our good friend, AlbertWatson. Well-deserved!



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