COREHR, ANACCESS COMPANY – SPONSOR National Payroll Week is hugely important to raise awareness of the impact the payroll profession has on the UK economy. The week emphasises how hugely supportive is the network of payroll professionals in the UK. This was underlined by the camaraderie shown during the challenges presented in 2020. Access People supports payroll professionals nationwide with solutions and services, enabling teams to focus on delivering value to their organisation, gaining recognition for the fantastic work they do in the process.
Rob Gimes, senior payroll product manager
FRONTIER SOFTWARE – SPONSOR As a provider of payroll software and services, Frontier Software is
proud to actively support the work of the CIPP, in particular National Payroll Week. We understand the importance of celebrating the payroll profession and to recognise the work that goes in to ’keeping the UK paid’. This year, the dedication and commitment shown by the profession has been exemplary.
National Payroll Week is important for OneSource Virtual because payroll is so important to us! This year, more than ever, we saw NPW as a way of engaging our team whilst we’re all working remotely. We had a Teams background created (pictured), and we ran a daily quiz with questions about payroll at OSV, with answers that couldn’t be Googled.
WHAT OTHERS HAVE BEEN DOING Full details are available in the online edition.
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | October 2020 | Issue 64 14
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