BIFAlink July 2024

Policy & Compliance

that need to be considered when creating reports, such as the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, Corporate Value Chain (scope 3) Standard and the Smart Freight Centre’s Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework. • The GHG Protocol is the standard for reporting recommended by the International Sustainability

need to adhere to, or just want an overview of their total emissions during a defined period, an itemised emissions report should suffice. It provides customers with a detailed breakdown of the carbon footprint associated with specific shipments, allowing them to understand their supply chain’s environmental impact. For more information about what needs to be included in the different types of reports, scan the QR code on page 10 to read the latest blog from Pledge on the subject. The BIFA website also has a link to an emissions measurement platform that enables the accurate conversion of client data with several formats for reporting scope 3 emissions, including the reporting methods featured above: guidance/technical-information/c arbon-calculator/ BIFA acknowledges the assistance of Pledge in the preparation of this article.

As part of its 2024 series of webinars, BIFA is very pleased to welcome Mike Yarwood, managing director for TT Club’s loss prevention department, to discuss the safety in the maritime containerised supply chain. There are three main strands to this event: • To facilitate the proper packing, transport and unpacking of cargo transport units (CTUs), including freight containers. • The dangers of non-declared and mis-declared hazardous cargoes and steps to take to minimise the risk including: - initial checking of documents - identification of non-compliant freight - actions required to regularise cargoes. • The importance of correctly weighing cargo to establish the verified gross mass (VGM). The webinar will also consider the importance of correctly incorporating the BIFA Standard Trading Conditions (STC) into contracts between forwarder and customer, to maximise their protective benefits. MEMBER WEBINAR: 18 July 2024 Safety in the maritime containerised world

Standards Board’s (ISSB) recently published IFRS S2 standards, with which many national governments have aligned their disclosure regulations.

• The GLEC framework forms the basis of the ISO 14083 standard and focuses on data quality that requires a more granular breakdown of the methodology used at each leg of the end-to- end shipment than the GHG reporting standard. This helps provide added transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain but increases the workload and knowledge needed to develop such reports. • Itemised emissions reports: If your customers do not have a specific reporting standard they

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