Blue Diamond Visits Delhi, India Blue Diamond team members attended the Almond Board of California’s, India Conference in Delhi, India. In addition to the meeting, the group also visited with the USDA at the U.S.A. Embassy in Dehli where they discussed the opportunities before Blue Diamond in further accelerating the sale of almonds and Almond Breeze ® in this crucial market. Those attending all events for Blue Diamond included Laura Gerhard, Nitin Batra, Dale Tipple, and Warren Cohen who also served as a panelist. It’s truly amazing seeing the rapid transformation of this market and the role Blue Diamond plays today and the potential for the future.
L to R: Warren Cohen, Laura Gerhard, Dale Tipple, Nitin Batra and Mufaddel Yousef (owner of Tahoe Private Limited – Blue Diamond’s sales and distribution partner in India)
Costco Visits a Blue Diamond Orchard This picture from the orchard of a grower family during a meeting with Costco. Notice they are sporting Blue Diamond hats! L to R: Mike Murrow – Sales Director – Channels (Blue Diamond Growers), Andy Vennum – D12 Buyer (Costco), Marissa Guches – Business Manager, Northwest Region (ADW), Jim Leavitt – Director of Sales, Channel/Broker Accounts (Blue Diamond Growers)
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