2014 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Employee Engagement

Employee Survey

SaskEnergy measures employee engagement using the Hay Survey, typically on a biannual basis. The Hay Group benchmarks survey results to their “Hay norm”, as defined by a five-year rolling average of more than 500 North American organizations. The survey incorporates employees’ opinions on a number of areas including satisfaction with pay and benefits, job opportunities, work/life balance, and training and developmental opportunities within SaskEnergy/TransGas.

Workforce Diversity

Workplace Diversity

The workplace diversity measures provide quantitative data for the employment of Aboriginal individuals, recognized by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission as being either underemployed or minimally employed within the Province. SaskEnergy also tracks the percentage of “Youth” in the workforce, which is defined as employees who are 30 years of age or less. The measures are calculated by comparing the number of employees from these groups relative to the number of total employees that comprise the workforce. SaskEnergy statistics related to employment equity are tracked and reported internally and are also reported to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission annually. This measure calculated by dividing total net debt by the sum of total net debt plus total Province’s equity. The consolidated rate of return on equity is measured by dividing the income before unrealized market value adjustments by the average Province’s equity over the year. The average is determined as the simple average of the opening Province’s equity and the closing Province’s equity. This measure removes unrealized market value adjustments from consolidated net income. Market value adjustments include fair value adjustments on financial and derivative instruments and the revaluation of natural gas in storage to net realizable value.

Creating Value

Financial Strength

Debt/Equity Ratio

Consolidated Return on Equity

Income before Unrealized Market Value Adjustments


Internal Energy Efficiencies

This measure tracks the effects of the Corporation’s energy efficiency improvements that reduce fuel usage (including vented and fugitive system losses). Energy consumption reductions will be tracked in terajoules, which is the equivalent of 1,000 gigajoules at an assumed price of $4 per GJ. This measure represents the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions produced per unit of natural gas compression, measured in tonnes CO 2 e per million running horsepower hours.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Tonnes of CO 2 e/million Running Horsepower Hours

Community Relationship

Community Sponsorships as a Percentage of Net Income

This is a new measure for 2014 based on the forecast five-year rolling average of net income of $70 million per year. The long-term target for this measure would see SaskEnergy achieve an annual community sponsorship level consistent with one per cent of net income. This measure tracks the percentage of Aboriginal labour content in the Corporation’s labour service contracts managed by the Purchasing Department.

Total Contracts – Percentage of Aboriginal Labour Content


Glossary of Key Success Measures

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