4 Simple Ways To Beat Pain

“I Can’t Seem To Finish A Workout Without An Ache! ” WHYDOYOUR MUSCLESACHE?

M uscle aches and pains are common, typically involving more than one muscle. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain ismost frequently related to stress, tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which posture or activity is causing the pain. Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, once muscle pain begins to go past 3 days without changing, or you feel the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as theremay be an underlying problem such as muscle imbalance, or stiff tissues and joints. Call CRAVEN SPORT SERVICES If: • Your muscle pain persists beyond 3 days • You have severe, unexplained pain • You have any sign of infection, like swelling or redness around the tender muscle • You have poor circulation in the area where you have muscle aches (for example, in your legs) • Your muscle pain has been associated with starting or changing doses of a medicine

The most common causes are: • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains • Overuse • Tension or stress Muscle pain may also be due to: • Certain drugs, including: -Medicine lowering blood pressure -Medicine lowering cholesterol • Infections • Cold & Influenza (flu) • Electrolyte imbalances, such as too little potassium or calcium • Fibromyalgia



• Make your resolution about the journey, not the outcome. It is easier to focus on the steps to losing the 25 pounds than to focus on the number on the scale. Stick to a resolution of going to the gym 3 times a week and filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at eachmeal. You have control over your actions and they will help you achieve your goal. • Schedule time for your resolution. Everyone is busy and it is hard to find time to do what we need to do to achieve our goals. Schedule time for the gym and preparing healthy meals into your calendar. • Use the buddy system. Everything is better with a friend. Take walks or go to the gym with

Each January many people resolve to better themselves by eating better, exercising and losing weight. While each person starts out with the best of intentions, only a small percentage of people actually make good on those resolutions. While most people are able to stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half are still on target six months later. So the question is… How do you make a New Year’s Resolution and actually keep it? • Set short-term goals. If you break your resolutions into small, manageable chunks you are more likely to be successful. Instead of focusing on the 25 pounds that you want to lose before going to the beach in the summer, set your goal for 1 or 2 pounds per week.

someone who has the same goal. Swap healthy recipes. Share and celebrate the accomplishment of meeting your short-term goals. • Keep records. Tracking your progress is a good way to stay accountable and keep the resolution fresh in your mind. As you succeed at making positive changes towards achieving your goal, you have to remember that all of the positive changes you make have to be permanent. You will need to work on sticking with the good habits that have developed, until they just become a natural part of who you are. That is how you achieve true self- improvement and keep a New Year’s resolution.

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