Advance PT August 2017

5 Foods for Youthful Exuberance

FLAXSEED One of the easiest ways to boost your omega-3 fatty acid intake is to add a few tablespoons of ground flaxseed to foods you already eat (freshly ground is best). Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Flaxseed is also high in fiber. All of these wonderful things come together to lower LDL cholesterol. NUTS Not all nuts are created equal. Almonds and walnuts are kings of the nut world when it comes to nutrition. They are both great sources of vitamin E — another nutrient that helps keep your brain sharp.Walnuts have the added benefit of being yet another source of fatty acids. But between these two nuts, is one truly better than the other? Not really — it all comes down to personal preference. SALMON This is one fishy friend that’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids (notice the trend?). Salmon is one of the heart-healthiest sources of protein you can put on your plate. Other varieties of fish are exceptionally heart-healthy as well, namely sardines and anchovies, but those can be more of an acquired taste for some folks (though they are great in salads).

What we eat influences not only our overall health, but how we age. Diets high in fat and sugar tend to age us faster — and they can be detrimental to the brain, especially when it comes to memory and cognition.Want to maintain a youthful spark and keep your mind sharp as you age? It’s all a matter of incorporating the following foods into your diet (while cutting down on the junk). AVOCADOS These green machines are high in fat, but it’s a healthy, monounsaturated fat. It helps maintain a more ideal blood pressure and can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure as you age. Because avocados are high in fat — as healthy as it may be — you still want to watch how much you eat. Like any of the foods on this list, consuming too much of a good thing can ultimately negate the positive health benefits. BLUEBERRIES These juicy little blue balls of goodness are packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants help keep cells functioning at peak performance. That includes cells in the brain and those believed to be associated with both short- and long-term memory. Eat blueberries as a snack, toss them in a smoothie, or add a handful to some salad, oatmeal, or cottage cheese.



quickly add up into the tens of thousands. This high repetition associated with golf can put tremendous amount of strain on the body. The high level of repetition associated with the golf swing is bad enough on its own, but making matters worse is the fact that each swing requires the production of a tremendous amount of muscle force. To generate and transfer this force through the body and apply it to the golf ball, there needs to be a significant amount of strength, flexibility, and coordination from virtually every muscle and joint in the body. As long as the muscles and joints are working properly, the chance of injury is greatly reduced; but, as you will see, because of the repetitive nature and high level of muscular forces associated with the golf swing, even minor problems will greatly increase the chances of pain and injury.

When talking about sports injuries, it is important to realize that there are two major types of injuries: acute and repetitive. Acute injuries occur following a single event, such as a fall or hard collision. Fortunately, these types of injuries are rare in golf. On the other hand, repetitive strain injuries are extremely common in golf and make up the vast majority of golf injuries. Repetitive injuries, like the name implies, occur slowly over time as a result of performing the same motions over and over again. As you can see, the golf swing certainly fits into the category of a repetitive motion. For example, over a round of golf or a practice session at the range, a player will take anywhere from 60–100-plus swings. This number may be even higher if practice swings are taken into account. Depending on how often a golfer plays or practices, the number of swings can

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