Simon Law January 2019

... Cover article continued

three glaciers come together, and stayed up late to catch the northern lights. The last night was a trip down to Vik, a fishing town with black volcanic sand beaches — the setting for many a scene in Game of Thrones. Our plans to return to Atlanta were spoiled by 46 mph winds, so we stayed an extra night, went on a beer tour with a local guide, and sampled rotted shark. What more could you want from a trip? If you ever get a chance, take the trip. Iceland is a 4.5 hours flight from New York, but it feels like another planet.

–Christopher Simon

Get More Life Out of Your Windshield Wiper Blades

When was the last time you replaced your windshield wiper blades? If you’re like most people, you may not remember. As a general rule of thumb, you should replace your wiper blades about once a year, assuming they’ve been through a normal level of wear and tear. However, with a few easy steps, you can make your blades last longer without compromising visibility. Keep your windshield and wipers clean of debris, dirt, dust, and other particles. Anything on the window or the blades can cause damage. Simply wiping them off with a microfiber cloth can go a long way. In cold weather, always clear your windshield of ice and snow before activating your wiper blades. Ice can shorten the life span of most wiper blades significantly

cycle without washer fluid, the wiper blades deteriorate.

How do you know when it’s time to replace your blades? The first sign is when they start streaking. However, in some cases, streaking may be caused by dirt or other grime stuck to the blades. If they continue to streak or skip after cleaning, they need to be replaced. Thankfully, wiper blades are typically the least expensive and easiest car part to replace. With this in mind, remember that you get what you pay for, and it pays to do research. There are many different blades on the market. Some are suited for icy conditions and some are designed for sunny weather. Take your time to read product descriptions to ensure you install blades that are right for your vehicle.

Every time you gas up your vehicle, take a moment to clean your windshield and the wiper blades. You can run the squeegee sponge over the wiper blade or use a paper towel.

Watch your washer fluid levels and top it off regularly. When you run a cleaning

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