Deb Duttweiler drove her “Lady Rodder Lane” winning ’47 Plymouth Deluxe sedan up from Longwood, FL, that her dad built with a Mustang II IFS, ’87 Corvette TPI power, a Corvette IRS, and S10 seats com- plemented with Pontiac Grand Prix seats.
It’s easy to love an odd rod as cool as Ted & Joanie Binsz’s ’34 Graham out of Three Oaks, MI, with a 402ci Chevy power- train, a filled top, a Pontiac rearend, a cloth interior, and he bought it at the Street Rod Nationals in Minnesota back in 1989.
Harry Lalagos’ ’38 Buick out of Addison, IL, may look stock on the outside, but the “Host Club Pick” winning rod runs a Chevy LS1/4L60E powertrain, a Mustang II IFS, a Ford 8.8-inch differential, and
a leather interior pat- terned after the stock Buick interior.
36 DECEMBER 2024
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