Begriffe, Konzepte und Ansatzpunkte
Information and resources on Language Animation published by the Franco-German Youth Office
the names of team leaders who have been awarded DFJW certification. https://www.dfjw-zertifikat.org
DFJW documents on Language Animation Definition of Language Animation Handout on Language Animation (“Förderbedingungen Sprachanimation in Jugendbegegnungen”) http://www.dfjw.org/eine-sprachbegegnung-organi- sieren
DFJW brochure “Sprachanimation in deutsch-französischen Jugendbe- gegnungen” / “Animation linguistique dans les rencon tres franco-allemandes de jeunes” new edition 2013, 293 pages. This publication describes the concept and the psychological theory upon which it is based, and it encourages practical implementation by citing numer- ous examples and recommendations. (available from DFJW or at http://www.dfjw.org/sprach- animation) Trinational brochure on Language Animation (editors: BDP, Gwennili, AZS PL) “Sag was! Dis moi! Powiedz cos!” (available from DFJW)
Guidelines http://www.dfjw.org/richtlinien
Language Animation training courses by DFJW and its partners http://www.dfjw.org/sprachanimation http://www.dfjw.org/kalender-interkulturelle-aus-und- fortbildung DFJW certificate for language animators and team leader database After successfully completing a basic course on Lan- guage Animation, participants are awarded the DFJW “Language Animator” certificate and can be included in the database. The DFJW team leader database contains
Video on Language Animation at DFJW http://dfjw.org/sprachanimation-video
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