In practice: Language Animation the inclusive way
Democratising the space
Key questions: If I‘m worried that someone may not be able to partici- pate, is this due to my own attitude? Have I made sure that that‘s not the case? Have I created a space where this person can voice his or her needs without fear of being stigmatised? How can I become more aware of my own blind spots and generally anticipate a departure from what one would expect as normal, without letting my own views and attitudes influence the situation? Criteria: Inclusive Language Animation creates a dialogic space in which one stops looking for deficits in others and instead looks for them in oneself. It uses terms that shift the focus away from deficits and instead create an inclusive atmosphere for all. It strives to identify what participants need to feel comfortable. It focuses on participants‘ personal learning styles and incentives and responds to these. It always appeals to several senses at once to en- sure that communication and independent participation is never interrupted. The idea is not to meet everyone‘s needs at all times, but to allow for as much participation as possible. Inclusive Language Animation provides a space in which it should be possible at any time to with- draw from a situation without having to explain oneself or fear certain consequences.
Idea: In Language Animation, dialogue beats grammar.
Transfer: With inclusive methods, it is more important to develop an attitude that encourages respect, appreciation and curiosity about invisible or unexpected outcomes than to strive to fulfil a task without making mistakes, or to meet everyone‘s expectations equally. It helps to make mistakes and to admit that one hasn‘t found the right solution yet. Becoming aware of one‘s own limitations concerning experience, knowledge and skill and asking someone for help in overcoming an unsatisfying situa- tion is not easy, but it is extremely helpful. In this context, it is wrong to assume that people who have spent their entire life being excluded or unfairly treated because of their shortcomings prefer to leave these shortcomings unmentioned. Rather, it seems to be the case that all of us have experienced this in some way before. It helps to develop a feeling of belonging if we can play an active role in shaping the circumstances of our lives, even if we cannot take full responsibility.
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