There has been growing awareness in recent years that international youth work services are used for the most part by high school students without impairments. Various initiatives have therefore been launched to make such services available to hitherto little reached target groups. One of the big challenges is related to language and communication. Not all young persons speak one or several foreign languages; some have had negative experiences in their school careers and are convinced they are not good at languages. This is especially true of young persons with intellectual or physical impairments. Language Animation offers these individuals an excellent opportunity to overcome inhibitions in a playful way and to learn another language using all their senses without pressure to perform. As there is still no literature that looks at how Language Animation methods can be designed inclusively, a concept and methodology workshop was held in June 2015 in order to address this question. This booklet is based on the inputs and outcomes of the workshop which was organised in cooperation with Villa Fohrde e.V., together with the Kreisau-Initiative e.V., and the German Sports Youth (dsj) and funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Af- fairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The first part of the booklet presents and discusses the theoretical foundation: What principles does Language Ani- mation follow and how did Language Animation come about? What is behind the term “inclusion”? What does the “inclusive” design of international youth work mean? What obstacles can occur and how can we overcome them? The practical section introduces a method that makes it possible to identify excluding factors in all Language Animation exercises and to develop inclusive alternatives. This gradually creates an awareness of potentially excluding elements. The publication concludes with a list of literature recommendations, resources and useful websites. The booklet was developed as part of IJAB’s Innovationsforum Jugend global , an interactive service for qualifying and developing international youth work. It gives experts, organisations and interested partners working in this field an opportunity to express their concerns and interests, to network, discuss and jointly develop strategies and tools for a trendsetting international youth work.
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