The Mill Complex Forest Center | Billings Farm Museum

The Mill Complex Forest Center at Billings Farm Museum | Woodstock, VT

The Mill Complex Forest Center | Billings Farm Museum Woodstock, VT

The Mill Complex Forest Center is a 2000 square foot mini conference center located on the Billings Farm Museum in Woodstock, Vermont. The building is designed to be heated entirely with renewable wood harvested on the site and burned in a Garn® storage boiler. The ventilation system incorporates both natural ventilation and an air-handling unit with CO2 demand control to handle variable occupancy. Cooling is provided by an ultra efficient SEER 21 condensing unit. More than half of the electrical energy will be provided by a PV Array. The building as modeled by Carrier HAP V4.34 is projected to use 35 % less energy than a code building. The building was awarded a Leed platinum rating in 2009. System design by Kohler & Lewis of Keene, NH.

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