Craven: How Posture Affects Back & Neck Pain


Does Arthritis Grind you Down?

Do you or does someone you know live with knee or hip osteoarthritis? Craven SPORT services is pleased to be offering an osteoarthritis exercise intervention program beginning this fall. Based on the success of the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D) program, GLA:D Canada combines education sessions and neuromuscular training over 8 weeks to provide an effective, evidence-based program for those with osteoarthritis.

For more information or to express interest in this program, call us at 306-934-2011 or email us at


Nutrition Tips for Thanksgiving

1. Be mindful of your hunger and satiety cues. Holiday meals usually mean large portions of home cooked meals and desserts. This often results in overeating at meals to get a taste of everything to enjoy. While building your plate, take notice of how hungry you are and portion accordingly. Keep in mind you can always have seconds of your favorite dishes if you are still hungry. Perhaps you will want to leave room for the different types of dessert. 2. Eat your favorite food first! Clients are often surprised to hear this strategy, however, it can be a game changer in your meal enjoyment. Think of it this way, if you ate your favorite food first and all you had left on your plate are foods that you cared less for, it would be easier to stop when your satiety cues kick in and you won’t feel as though you need to necessarily finish your plate. 3. Eat throughout the day before the Thanksgivingmeal. It may sound logical to skip an earlier meal to treat yourself to the typically large Thanksgivingmeal, BODY TUNEUP Tis the season for cleaning up our lawns and yards in preparation for winter! Why not get your body checked as well? We offer a Body Tune Up Program! See a Strength & Conditioning Coach, Physiotherapist, and Dietitian to see where you are at and where you need to improve to keep living a healthy and active life! The Body Tune Up includes 30 minutes with a Physiotherapist, 60 minutes with a Strength and Conditioning Coach, and 30 minutes with a Dietitian for $200! For more information or to book an appointment, call us at 306-934-2011 or email us at css@cravensportservices

however, it’s best to eat a variety of foods earlier on to keep your metabolism in check, blood sugars normal, and lower your risk of being hungry. Therefore you can simply enjoy the family meal whenever it is time to eat.

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