Professional November 2016

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. Lao Tzu (6th century BC)

Chair’s message

Autumn is one of those times in the year when things seem to ramp up in the payroll industry. I know we have year-end and some legislation changes in the spring but

enjoy most about the conference, and to get feedback on where we can improve for future years. Autumn also seems to be the time for new starts. Those of you who know me fairly well, or follow me on Twitter (@eirajane), will know that for the past two years I’ve been involved (for the first time in my life) in musical and theatrical productions of Jesus Christ Superstar . With a cast of over 200 for each year, we performed the iconic rock opera in the wonderful surroundings of Lincoln Cathedral. A few weeks ago we had the great news that the show being performed next year will be Jekyll and Hyde the Musical . This will be staged once again in Lincoln Cathedral next August, and I’m delighted to be able to join the cast again. Rehearsals have just commenced and this time, as there are a few more female parts up for grabs, I’ve decided to audition… I can just see myself as Lady Beaconsfield, one of the board of governors. Whether I’m successful or not doesn’t matter – it’s all about having a go. And solo part or not, I’m going to enjoy being part of this community theatre again for a third year.

autumn seems to be the time for celebration. The Annual Conference took place at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport on 6 & 7 October and was a spectacular event as usual. Since taking over from Paul Rains as chair in August, I had a few more duties at this year’s event than in the past: overseas guests to host, as well as opening and closing the conference and introducing our keynote speakers, not to mention presenting the awards gifted by the CIPP at the Annual Excellence Awards hosted by Simon Weston. I always thoroughly enjoy the conference, meeting lots of old friends as well as many new ones, and I always try to make the most of the learning experience for my continuing professional development. This year was no exception, with brilliant workshops and speakers covering a variety of topics in payroll, pensions, reward, global payroll and personal and professional development – meaning that there was something for everyone. You can read more about the conference within this year’s supplement included with this issue. For those who joined us for the full conference, or attended the glitzy and glamorous Annual Excellence Awards, thank you for your support; it was fantastic to see you all there celebrating your industry. It’s wonderful for me to hear all about what you It has been a few years since I last wrote within the magazine, and at that time it was as chair of the (then) IPP. I now write to you as CEO of the CIPP. My introduction to you as CEO is during one of the CIPP’s busiest periods, and I was delighted to meet so many of you at the CIPP’s Annual Conference and Exhibition, and celebrate with our winners at the Annual Excellence Awards. Those of you who attended the annual general meeting (AGM) at the Annual Conference in October will have heard about the board’s plans for the CIPP, and, importantly, our renewed focus on our core business. We plan to make sure that our education and membership support offerings are fit for purpose, and that you, as members, can be assured of excellent quality from any of the services which you engage in through us. There is a summary of the AGM on page 11 and we shall be surveying members shortly to assist us in our future plans and developments. November is also a time for celebration as we hold our Graduation Ceremony for those who have successfully

Eira Hammond FCIPPdip, chair, CIPP

CEO message

completed our university approved qualifications. I am looking forward to welcoming the newly qualified CIPP

graduates and members on 4 November at the Dominion Theatre in London. Remember to maintain your membership with the CIPP and

keep your knowledge and skills up to date through continuing professional development (so that you can use your well-earned letters after your name). With the graduation taking place this month, it is quite fitting that the theme for this issue is staff development, covering identifying and assessing learning needs, as well as developing skills gaps through training and qualifications. Happy reading.



Issue 24 | October 2016

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

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