Materials chemistry poster symposium 2023

Micropatterned bilayer surfaces for controlled elastic instabilities Zhuofan Qin , Ding Wang, Xue Chen, Ben Bin Xu Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, UK By manually planting micropatterns on the surface of an elastic bilayer mechanism, the surface topology of elastic instabilities is obviously influenced by the localization of stress with specific structure. The buckles occurred and are gradually transformed into crease and folds and observed in experiment. Furthermore, we utilized the Neo-Hookean hyperelastic model and finite element method to demonstrate the morphogenesis including initial wrinkling and post-wrinkling bifurcation under uniaxial compression for elastic bilayer structure. Our study outlines the mechanism of elastic instabilities with incorporating customized micropatterns and multilayer configurations induced by varying moduli. The morphogenesis of the buckling phenomenon has been comprehensively elucidated through experimental observations and corresponding simulations, thereby providing a potential strategy for further regulation of surface topology resulting from elastic instability. References 1. Wang, C. et al. ( 2020 ) ‘A flexible topo-optical sensing technology with ultra-high contrast’, Nature Communications . Springer US, 11(1), pp. 1–7. 2. Wang, D., Liu, Y., Sridhar, S., Li, Y., McHale, G., Lu, H., Yu, Z., Wang, S., & Xu, B. Bin. (2021). Biaxially Morphing Droplet Shape by an Active Surface. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8(2), 1–7. 3. Li, Z., Liu, Y., Lei, M., Sun, A., Sridhar, S., Li, Y., Liu, X., Lu, H., Fu, Y. Q., & Xu, B. Bin. (2020). A stimuli-responsive gel impregnated surface with switchable lipophilic/oleophobic properties. Soft Matter, 16(6), 1636–1641. 4. Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Liu, D., Chen, X., Wang, D., Dai, S., Chen, F., & Xu, B. Bin. (n.d.). A Structural Gel Composite Enabled Robust Underwater Mechanosensing Strategy with High Sensitivity. 5. H. G. Allen.; Analysis and Design of Structural Sandwich Panels.; Pergamon press: Oxford .; 1969 . 6. Genzer, J., & Groenewold, J.; Soft matter with hard skin: From skin wrinkles to templating and material characterization.; Soft Matter . 2006 , 2(4), 310–323. 7. Diab, M. et al. ( 2013 ) ‘Ruga mechanics of creasing: From instantaneous to setback creases’, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 469(2157). 8. Zhao, R. et al. ( 2015 ) ‘The primary bilayer ruga-phase diagram I: Localizations in ruga evolution’, Extreme Mechanics Letters . 4, pp.76–82. doi:10.1016/j.eml.2015.04.006. 9. Huang, Z. Y., Hong, W., & Suo, Z.; Nonlinear analyses of wrinkles in a film bonded to a compliant substrate.; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids . 2005 , 53(9), 2101–2118. 10. Bruzewicz, D. A., Reches, M., & Whitesides, G. M.; Low-cost printing of poly(dimethylsiloxane) barriers to define micro- channels in paper.; Analytical Chemistry . 2008 , 80(9), 3387–3392. 11. Song, L., Chen, J., Xu, B. Bin, & Huang, Y. (2021). Flexible Plasmonic Biosensors for Healthcare Monitoring : Progress and Prospects. 12. Wang, D., Cheewaruangroj, N., Li, Y., McHale, G., Jiang, Y., Wood, D., Biggins, J. S., & Xu, B. Bin.; Spatially configuring wrinkle pattern and multiscale surface evolution with structural confinement; Advanced Functional Materials . 2018 , 28(1).


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