King's Business - 1920-08



Now what is the animus of the attacks upon premillennialists on the part of the Chicago University and the Methodist Church? Don’t these men like the doctrine of the inerrant Word of God? Are they grieved that God’s hungry children floek where the Word is given? Are they jealous of the success that attends Bible Conferences? Do they hate Bible Institutes be­ cause God is blessing them so wonderfully? Don’t they love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to want to see Him? Don’t they feel in touch with old John the Apostle and want to say “ Come Lord Jesus, come quickly?’ ’ Don’t they care for the epistles that describe the last days and perilous times? Will His coming unmask the machines and spoil their plans? Come now, brethren, tell us honestly why do you oppose? Why do you fight? Why do you malign these good men' of God and call them freakish? You owe much to them. Where would you have found evangelists to help swell your church rolls had it not been for Moody, Whittle, Torrey, Sunday, Chapman, Biederwolf, Oliver, Dixon, Nicholson, Brown, and all of the others who have commanded large blessings from God in soul saving work? Come out and tell us what is the reason for your hating the good doc­ trine? —T. C. H. I - gfe afc The Bible has outlived its bitterest enemies. The greatest lawyers, doctors, artists, scientists, poets, literati and statesmen have stood firmly by the Bible as the basis of their ideals and their inspiration to great tasks. To try to place the Bible on a par with other boobs in point of inspira­ tion is superb folly. Some of the superficial professors who were mentioned by the Federal detectives during the war in the list of suspicious characters in our country have been teaching the young people that the Bible is inspired the same as Shakespeare, Buskin, Byron, Longfellow, Tennyson, John L. Sullivan, Jack Johnson and other poets were inspired. This senseless chatter has produced disastrous results in the character of young people throughout the nation. When men losé regard for the Bible they no longer care for the law of God, and when they pour contempt upon the law of God the law of man goes down, in their estimation. Look the world over, and you will find that the enemies of sound stable government in Russia, England, France, these United States of America—the scatter-brained Socialists, the Blood-thirsty Bolsheviki, the illsmelling I. W. W., the Nihilists, Anarchists and Communists and the criminal agitators are anti-Chrstian and anti-Bible to a man. There are no exceptions! The Higher Critics and Modern Theology exponents are lining up with the worst traitors on earth when they seek to destroy faith in the Divine origin and inspiration of the Bible. They have no more right to tell men that the Bible is not to be taken literally than lawyers have to tell men that the laws of this nation are not to be taken literally. This contempt for God’s law and for man’s law has brought about a reign of terror in many parts of the world while destructive critics have been telling the people that everything is lovely and the Bible is “ romance, folklore, fiction, poetry, history.” I have quoted literally from one of the leading Higher Critics. ‘H A S SCIENCE DESTROYED The Divine Origin O f TKe Bible?” 2 Tim . 3:16-17

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