“ Tke Sound of a Going
In tke Tops of tke Trees” A Plain Statement of the Facts Concerning Modernists and Evangelicals B? HARRIET THOMSON St. Louis, Mo.
classes, into all places of power in Chris tian organizations. These are uninten tional, but most efficient and powerful, assistants of Modernists. Modernists as their name indicates, are seekers after the “ new” in religion. “ Modern thinking,” “ modern scholar ship,” “ the modern woman,” “ the modern mind,” “ new theology”— such terms abound in their utterances. They delight in religious progression, though it he not toward the Bible or the God of the Bible; as one of them said lately in the hearing of the writer, “ I don’t promise that I shall hold tomorrow the view I express this evening. I may change it overnight.” Modernists are to he classed with the Athenians of Acts 17,— the Areopagites— of whom it is written that they spent their time in nothing else, hut either to tell, or to hear, some new thing. They are describ ed in 2 Tim. 3:7, as “ ever-learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Some Characteristics of Modernists A prominent distinguishing feature of Modernists is that they are ever blasting at “ the impregnable Rock of the Word.” While in this folly they are, of course, but trying to demolish Gibraltar by throwing wisps of straw against it, they nevertheless do by this means accomplish another of their aims — that of destroying faith in the great fundamental truths o f orthodox Chris tianity, thus preparing the minds and hearts of the unsuspecting in this gen-
HERE is War in the church of Christ. It is a Civil War— the contending forces are within the borders of the church. It is a spiritual World War. Its devastations extend through
out Christendom in all lands. Modernists on the one hand and Evangelicals or Conservatives on the other, are Belligerents. Clear-cut statements of fact—which facts, (not the statements of them), are harsh— are demanded by the artifices employed by modernists in the waging of this war. By means of camouflage, ambush, Saviorless Social Service under the guise of Christian Activity, and the philosophies of men under that of the Word of God, evangelicals are driven to the one only method of warfare that can possibly avail— that of demolition of the subterfuges. Camouflage and am bush must be destroyed, masks must be torn away, until it is seen that the New Theologies and Christless Social Service of our day proceed, as to human agency, from the “ carnal mind” of man, of which it is written that it is “ enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can he.” Then there are those who seem to he Modernists but they are really only helpers of them. They are evangelical in heart experience and in purpose, but they are non-evangelical in their relig ious activities. They promote Modern ism by putting its advocates into pul pits, in charge of Sunday School or Bible
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