their work and to translate these works into the vernacular. I had no knowl edge of “ Pastor” Russell. I read Mr. Pike’s article in The King’s Business. It gave me a good view of the author and saved me from falling into this man’s trap. So you may see that this maga zine is surely a great book, especially for me. I hope you can keep sending it to me.” And yet some people say— “ Let the isms alone.” This is only one of many instances we might relate to show that it pays to warn men against that which is false. . m THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH CHART Letters continue to pour in telling of the good being accomplished through the comparative chart, “ The Spirit of Truth,” showing the teachings of the modern isms as compared with God’s Word. The chart was originally pub lished by the Bible Institute and is now being propagated by the Christian Fun damentals League. The League has recently issued 100,000 more copies, and through its branches in foreign countries is circulating many thousands more. Their Australia branch write that they are just issuing 50,000 and the Canada branch is issuing a like amount. Both of these branches have already used up several editions. If you are honeycombed in your town with the propaganda of false cults, you can make no better investment than to pur chase a supply of these charts and give them house to house circulation to warn the people. H M LEMON AID Someone has given us a new definition of Optimism. “ A man who can sit in the quiet of his room at evening and make a nice cool beverage from all the lemons that have been handed him dur ing the day— he is an optimist.”
in ‘The Menace of Modernism,’ by Dr. W. B. Riley, and in ‘Modern Conflict Over the Bible,’ and ‘Thé Crisis in the Church and College,’ by G. W. McPher son.” Surely there’s “ the sound of a going in the tops of the Mulberry trees!” BE UP AND DOING The habit of procrastination has a hardening effect on the will. Conse quently very, very few octogenarians get the consent of their will to be saved. The following table by J. R. Mott is a reliable estimate of the ages at which souls accept Christ as their Saviour: Out of one thousand persons, 548 are saved before twenty years of age. 337 are saved between twenty and thirty years. 96 are saved between thirty and forty. 15 are saved between forty and fifty. 3 are saved between fifty and sixty. 1 is saved between sixty and ninety. It may mean a small matter to you to speak one word for Christ that wins a needy soul, but it means everything to Jesus.—Alliance Weekly. Mj» Mp t e l l t a l e f ig u r e s The smallest annual increase in Pro testant church membership in the United States is recorded for 1919 in statistics compiled by Dr. H. K. Carroll and made public by the Christian Herald. The in crease for 1919 was only 56,000, as compared with the average increase for the ten years previous of 771,947. WAS IT A GOOD INVESTMENT? Someone sent us money to send The King’s Business to some missionary. We sent the magazine to a man in India. He received one copy and here is the result. He says: “ Two months ago an unknown friend sent me Russell’s books on the Divine Plan of the Ages, asking me to join in
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