Four Fundamental Errors
Refuted by Genesis
A Selection From ‘ ‘The Bible and World Government,” a Recent Book o f Great Worth
By WILLIAM M. SMITH first three He sent sinners there. You will see that
NOTICE that the chapters of Genesis refute four popular modern errors. First, TJnitarianism. It has already been shown that the very name of God in the
the pantheist is necessarily a no-hellite. Another modern error exploded by the statements of these first chapters is Christian Science. The first chapter of Genesis refutes one of the fundamental teachings of that misnamed error. I had my first battle with Christian Science almost without knowing it and won by being fortified with the first chapter of Genesis. A woman ap proached me and, after talking religious ly, asked, “ Did you ever study Christian Science?” I told her I never had. She • said, “ Christian Science teaches thai, matter is evil and mind, is good, and that mind triumphs over matter.” I responded, “ Does the Bible mean mind or matter when it says in Genesis, ‘And God saw all that He had made, and, be hold, it was very good!’ ” There was no further argument. I then learned one great lesson, not to study systems of error to meet them-, but to be familiar with the Bible, and the Holy Ghost will bring to remembrance what, you need to meet the error. But. there is . another popular error that is exploded by the Bible. We have heard much about evolution: that life has moved upward from lower vegetable forms to higher ones, until it became semi-animal, and finally animal; then from lower animal forms it evolved the higher animal forms, and, eventually, man. In this first chapter of Genesis it is stated ten times, of the different kinds of plants and animals, that they brought forth after their kind. That is, if you plant wheat you get wheat, and you will keep on getting wheat as long as you plant wheat; it brings forth after '
original, Elohim, used thirty-five times in the first thirty-four verses, is plural; and the pronoun “ us” shows that the God of the Bible is not arter the Uni tarian conception. The object of the Unitarian error is to rob Jesus Christ, the Son of God, of His Deity. The Holy Ghost foresaw this attempt and inspired Moses to write these chapters in such a way that the erroif woulcj be refuted in advance. The next popular teaching we will mention as being refuted by these chap ters is Pantheism. That, as the deriva tion of the word plainly shows, is sim ply the belief that God is everywhere, God is in. everything, and everything is God. It confuses God and nature. There are beople who say they see God in the stars, in the grass, in the flowers, and claim to have something of God in them selves, but they are strangers to the true God. The God of the Bible is prior to the stars and flowers, prior to the zephyrs and summer breezes. He has something to do with them all, but He existed before any of these things did; so He cannot be them, and they cannot be Him. The way this error is now generally propagated is under the term, “ the divine immanence.” . Now, there is a truth about God being everywhere that is Scriptural, but it is not true to the extent that God is in everybody, con verted. or unconverted. If He were He would send part of Himself to hell when
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