King's Business - 1920-08

742 its kind on and on indefintely. Where would evolution make any progress if it is true that everything brings forth after its kind? But the thing that shows tfs me error of evolution most crushingly is the ex­ perience Adam had in hunting a wife. He found himself alone in the garden; and, though he had a propensity for a companion, he found no companionable creature about him. “ The Lord God said, “ It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him.” As a preliminary to relieving Adam’s loneliness we read, “ Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, ana whatso­ ever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” Let the evolutionists say what they please about Adam being just out of apeaom. The indications are that Adam was a smart man. He excelled all the moaern scien­ tists in his ability to invent names with­ out going into the Latin language: “ And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field.” But the quest for a com­ panion for Adam among all earth’s creatures is concluded in these words: “ but for Adam there was not found, an help meet for him.” Now if it is true, as evolutionists ex­ plain, that the gradation or improve­ ment is so small that it takes centuries to see any advance from- species to species, how does it come that Adam was so far in advance of all other creatures? Surely, if evolution is true, there would have been a suitable mate for Adam as there had been for his ancestors all the generations before— if he had had ances­ tors. But when Adam had looked over all the creatures there was not one at all like him. So God had to do an addi­ tional creative act. The infidels and higher critics do not make much fuss about God creating


Adam out of the dust, but they make a great howl about His making the woman put of one of Adam’s ribs. Why *s the creation of Eve made a point of attack instead of the creation of Adam? Surely not altogether becausq of the miracu­ lous, though that is one reason, because to make a man out of dust would be as miraculous as making a woman out of a rib. I have noticed that the devil seems to know the things in the Old Testa­ ment that speak before-time of Jesus Christ, and he invariably attacks these points. REa Ate. afe ?4s THIS MAN IS ON THE JOB Here is a Methodist Sunday School Superintendent who says: “ The quar­ terlies published by the Methodist Book Concern are certainly not the best for our young people. I have decided to personally give our Sunday School the King’s Business for the next three months, so will ask you to kindly send 85 copies at once. After that they will be ordered by the year.” Why isn’t that a good investment of the Lord’s money? Could you put it out where it would go farther in the spread of the truth? J>te. A TWO-EDGED SWORD Dr. Andrew Gillies in his book, “ i'he Individualistic Gospel,” powerfully pleads for a renewal of the preaching of the wrath of the Lamb as well as of the blood of the Lamb. “ He who breath­ ed ‘Come unto Me’ also cried, ‘Woe unto thee.’ The wrath of the Lamb and the blood of the Lamb are both Scriptural phrases. The parable of the Prodigal Son and the parable of Dives and Lazar­ us lie side by side. Our God is love but the same pages blaze with our God as a consuming fire. The Word of God i& a two-edged sword, a continuous series of contrasts between the blessedness of righteousness and the misery of sin, the splendor of Eternal Day and the horror of the outer darkness.”

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