Scientific Vagaries and
Spiritist Vaporings
Showing Where Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir Conan Doyle Are On the Wrong Track By DR. A. C. DIXON
8 HIHE following from D. M. Stearns applies to other things than Spiritualism: “We may know whom God sends and whom He does not send. is====J There is a simple test in John iii: 34, ‘He whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God.’ There fore whoever is not the Lord’s messenger with the Lord’s message (Haggai i:13) cannot he sent of God.” According to the words of the Lord Jesus in Luke xvi: 15, some things highly esteemed among men are an abomina tion in the sight of God, and according to some of the science and scholarship of our times, the Word of God is re jected and the opinions of men accept ed instead. In the same 16th of Luke the Lord Jesus tells of an unbeliever who died, and finding himself in tor ment, asked to have some one sent from the dead to tell his five brothers who were still on earth of the awful reality of his torment. The reply was, “ If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they he persuaded though one rose from the dead.” The Spirit has told us by Moses that consulting the spirits of the dead is an abomination unto the Lord; and by Isaiah that the living should not seek to hear from the dead, but only from God in His Word (Deut. x v iii:ll, 12; Isaiah viii:19, 20). One of Saul’s transgressions against the Lord was that he enquired of a spirit and not of the Lord (1 Chron. x:13, 14). It was also one of the sins of Manasseh (2 Chron. xxxiii:6). In 1 Timothy iv :l, we are told that one of the special sins of
the end of this age will he giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of dem ons; and this age will close with the spirits of demons working miracles in order to gather the rulers of this world to the battle of that great day of God Almighty (Rev. xvi; 14; xix:19, 20).” “ Let us with the whole, heart turn away from everything hut the Word of God, lest we become an abomination to Him and be of those for whom there will be no morning (Isaiah viii:20, R. V .).” Sir Oliver Lodge who has become famous in the realm of Speculative Science, has been lecturing at two dol lars a head on Spiritualism; and Sir Conan Doyle, novelist, ' has written a hook which he entitles “ The New Reve lation” in which he supports the claims of the occult art and denies the funda mentals of Christianity. Both of these men have spent their lives, to a large extent, in the regions of unreality, Sir Conan imagining fiction and Sir Oliver imagining ether, one as unreal as the other. Sir Conan Doyle should have little weight as a witness, not only .because of his over-developed imagination, .but be cause he has been a life-long anti-Chris tian. When he was a materialist, be lieving that everything spiritual had a material origin and basis, he was as bitter as he is now, against Christianity. •Sir Oliver Lodge is a poor witness be cause he has lived in the imaginary realm of “ ether” the existence of which no one has proved and many now deny, until he has become ethereal to the ex-
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