746 tent of vaporlnesa in his thinking. He lectures on “ The Structure of an Atom” which is as imaginary as his “ ether,” for no microscope has ever re vealed the existence of an atom. And some university men now tell us that the Atomic Theory is dead enough to he laid out in the scientific morgue. The vagaries of Sir Oliver Lodge call to mind the fact that speculative scien tists have been among the world’s great est deceivers. The “ Nebular Hypothesis” was taught us in college and we believed it. Now we are informed that it was not true, and we cannot resist the im pression that we were deceived by men in high authority who were themselves deceived and deceivers. We revelled in the Atomic Theory with its brain-cracking formulae, which we were compelled to commit to memory for the examination room, and now we are calmly told that this fascinating theory has been superseded by another still more fascinating. Deceived again. Even the Newtonian Calculations, which we were taught to call “ Laws,” are now called in question, and, some believe, have been disproved. If so, we have been deceived again. The succes sive geological ages with their layers of rocks and fossils we verily believed were a Scientific Bible with which the Chris tian Bible must agree or be discredited. Now Professor McReady Price in his “ Fundamentals of Geology” and “ Q. E. D.,” gives overwhelming proof that Geo logy is utterly discredited as a science: that no scientist can now tell the age of a rock or a fossil, and anyone who claims
THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S to do so simply exhibits his ignorance. It looks now as if the remarkable agreement between Genesis 1 and the geological eras must be explained on the ground that geologists really got their successive ages from Genesis and arranged rocks and fossils accordingly. If Professor Price is right and he seems to be, we have been deceived again. Charles Darwin was deceived by the “ science” of geology, and as a result, became the arch deceiver of the century. Having learned his “ evolution” of all things from beneath from the Greek philosophers and his “ struggle for ex istence” from Malthus, he gave to the strong and fit the scientific right to destry the weak and unfit that they might advance upward through the wreck. This deception gave to Neitszche the vision of his “ Superman,” to the Kaiser his Super-nation and to the Ger man Nation its motto “ Might is right,” which deluged the world in blood. Now, we have great respect for prac tical scientists like Edison, who patient ly observe the processes of nature and discover laws which they obey and thus benefit the world. But for Speculative Scientists like Darwin and Sir Oliver Lodge, who revel in their so-called “ scientific” vagaries, we are beginning to have scant respect. And Sir Oliver’s recent Spiritist vaporings have not in creased our respect. The word "science” has held a sort of hypnotic sway over the minds of men, but these deceptions of scientists are bringing the word into disrepute among people who do a little independent thinking.
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