BIBLE IN ST ITUTE H A P PEN IN G S Particularly o f Interest to Friends and Students
79?99W 9999999W 999999999999799999999W 99999999999999999999779999999999999999999W 999yW 9yW 99999W 9 3:30 P. M. “ THE DEMON WORLD IN ACTION” The manifestation of demon powers, past,' pres ent and future, with special reference to Spirit ism. 7:30 P. M. “ THE PLACE OF ALL PLACES” AUGUST 17-20, 8:00 P. M. “ THE SPIRITUAL AND DISPENSATIONAL LESSONS OF THE BOOK OF NUMBERS” LORD’S DAY, AUGUST 22, 11 A. M. “ THE LIFE THAT PLEASETH GOD.” 3:30 P. M. “ THE GREATER SHADOWS” Two years ago Dr. Gaebelein gave an address on “ Future Events Casting Their Shadows.” This address will show how much more this is the case now than ever before. 7:30 P. M. “ THE VOICE OF THE LORD” AUGUST 24-27, 8:00 P. M. T h e m e s s a g e o f t h e b o o k o f i s a i a h A Prophetic study of great interest. LORD’S DAY, AUGUST 29, 11 A. M. “ GIVE YE THEM TO EAT" A call to true Christian Service—the feeding by the Word. 3:30 P. M. “ GLORY SCENES FROM*THE WORD OF GOD” 7:30 P. M. “THE LAST MESSAGE OF THE LAST PAGE OF THE LAST BOOK OF THE BIBLE” Commencement Exercises The baccaclaureate sermon to the Bible Institute graduating class was preached ,’unday morning, June 13th, by Dr. Torrej the dean. Tuesday evening, June 22d, the an nual reunion and banquet of the Alumni Association was held in the Institute din ing room, June 24th at one P. M. the usual ban quet for students and faculty was given and this was followed by class day exer cises. The graduating exercises took place on the evening of June 24th, the address of the evening being given by Dr. James Leishman, assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Pasadena. The list of graduates is as follows: Ella G. Bennett Catherine Agnes Bernard James W. Black David A. P. Braun G. H. Calhoun Florence V. Carlson Josephine May Cantonwine' July and August Conferences A t Bible Institute of Los Angeles Write to T . C . Horton for Detailed Programs The Bible Women’s Conference ex tends through the whole month of July, sessions being held each day of the week except Saturday, at 10 A.M., 10:45 P.M. and 2 P.M. The program will be found in our July issue, page 666. Dr. French Oliver speaks each week day night throughout July and three times each Sunday on vital and timely subjects. The program for the annual summer conference from August 1st to 29th at which Dr. A. C. Gaebelein is the chief speaker, may be procured from the Bible Institute. Dr. Gaebelein’s subjects are as follows: LORD’S DAY, AUGUST X, 11:0« A. M. THE CROWNED CHRIST: The Crowns He Wears and the Crowns He Gives 3:30 P. M. THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST: Jewish .Hopes—How They Will be Realized, anu What It Will Mean for the World Hebrews and all friends of Israel cordially Jnvited. 7:30 P. M. “ THE GREATEST TRAGEDY OF HUMAN EXISTENCE” AUGUST 3-6, Every Evening at 8:00 o’Clock “ THE SPIRITUAL AND DISPENSATIONAL LESSONS OF THE BOOK OF EXODUS” LORD’S DAY, AUGUST 8, 11:00 A. M. “ THE GLORY OF THE BIBLE” 3:30 P. M. “ THE INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT— IS IT OF GOD?” A timely address of the greatest importance. Will the Inter-Church World Movement produce a Holy Spirit revival, or will it precipitate the apostasy ? 7:30 P. M. “ BUT WE KNOW 1” (Scientific knowledge vs. Revelation knowledge.; AUGUST 10-13, at 8:00 “ THE SPIRITUAL AND DISPENSATIONAL LESSONS OF THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS” LORD’S DAY, AUGUST 15, 11 A. M. “ THE PROSPECTS OF THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD IN THE PRESENT CRISIS” (Never so bright and never so dark.) May Hale Cole Albert E. Cook
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