had talked with him he would hide whenever he saw them approaching, but God seemed to have laid this man upon their hearts and with constant prayer they sought to have further conversa tion with him. At last the opportunity came, he was convicted of sin, convinced of Christ’s power to save, and decided to give himself to the Lord. For a time he went struggling along, up and down, but on Christmas day he had a most wonderful experience, and from that time has given evidence of being really born from above. Through the remark able change in his life his wife has been brought to Christ, his parents also, his mother having been a most enthusiastic idolater for many years, and the new joy and gladness in that home have been the means of turning a number of others to Christ, among them an uncle of Mr. Chën, who with his entire family have accepted of Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Man of Influence Saved. In that same village a Mr. Teng, a young man of very fine family and of considerable wealth and influence, his father having had the rank of Taotai, a high official rank, has also given his heart and life to the Lord. When our preachers first called on him the Holy Spirit sent the message home to his heart and he invited them to come to his home again and tell them more of thé Gospel. This they gladly did, and it was not long before he fully surrendered to Christ. Mr. Teng has a sister who is married to a leading man in the village, one of the “ Gentry” , this sister having learned from her brother of the Gospel came to the service on Christmas morn ing, she was so deeply moved that she would not return to her home, but sat there for some hours so as to be present at the afternoon meeting, and she too gave her heart to Christ, and this bro ther and sister are earnestly working together for Christ in their village. Twenty-four have been baptized and ad mitted to Church fellowship in that vil lage, and the work is going on glor iously. Truly yours in Him, FRANK A. KELLER. Changsha, Hunan, China, May I, 1920. I 1 JÜ A lot of fellows would be charitable if the government would only coin half pennies.
hitherto unworked. They have entered some six thousand homes, have pasted up thousands of smaller Gospel P.osters, and have put into circulation over fifty thousand (50,000) Gospels, booklets, tracts etc. Results: Some fifty new enquirers have been enrolled of whom ten have been admitted into church fel lowship. The reason why we were able to accept these ten/ men without any hesitation was that they received as much training in a month as many in the more distant centers get in a year. This was due to the faithfulness of these band workers who went to their homes day after day both morning and after noon, and again in the evening, after they had had their supper, they went and brought them to the evening Gospel service. There was no uncertain sound in their testimony, one could only marvel at the grace of God manifested in it. Thank God we have the nucleus of two churches, both in the neglected east ern section, one of these is a large mar ket town, forty li (about 13 miles) down river, the other Fenihsien, eighty li (about 27 miles) in the same direc tion. Pray for these babes in Christ, that they may grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.” Such enthusiastic letters from the mis sionaries in whose districts our Bands are working fill our hearts with great joy. Work of Band No. 2. We have most encouraging reports also from the Bands working in Hunan, and I want to give you some extracts from a recent report from Band No. 2. A few months ago Band No. 2 asked to be transferred to another field as the con ditions in the field in which they were working seemed to them to be practically insurmountable. Mr. Hsiao and I prayed much over their letters and then wrote them saying that the reasons which they had given for desiring to go to another field were the strongest possible argu ments for remaining just where they were, we told them that we would pray much for them and begged them to give themselves to much prayer, stick to the hard task, and in the power of the Holy Spirit win a victory for Jesus Christ. They accepted our advice and God has given great victory. A Remarkable Transformation One striking case is that of a Mr. Chen, an only son who had given much grief to his parents by his dissipation, a gambler, drunkard, opium smoker and a slave to other vices. After our workers
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