King's Business - 1920-08

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: “ I, the Lord, do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day. = " " ............................ --■ ■■-■= - 1 ■'■■ Isa. 27:3 ..........- - - ' " " " ................................... = PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 S O U T H H O P E STREET, LO S AN G ELE S, C A L . Entered as Second-Glass Matter November 17, 1910, at tHe Post Office at Los Angeles, California under tke A ct’o f March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct o f October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918.

Number 8

August, IQ 20 .

Volume XI

Rev. T . C . H O R T O N , Editor in Chief

Rev. KEITH L. B R O O K S, Managing Editor

Contributing Editors

D R . F. W . F A R R




CONTENTS Editorials: Wonder Workers (727), Eddyites Accused of Murder (727), A Deserved Death (728), A Protesting Protestant (729), Alleged Pre-millennialists (730), Has Science De­ stroyed the Bible? (732), No Mutual Admiration Societies in Heaven (733), Jazz Seven Days in the Week (734). Sentence Sermons (735) The Sound of a Going in the Tops of the Trees—By Harriet Thom­ son (736) . Four Fundamental Errors Refuted—By Wm. M. Smith (741) Might Jesus Come Back Today?—By K. L. B. (743) Scientific Vagaries and Spiritist Vaporings—By A. C. Dixon (745) Bible Institute Happenings (748) Evangelistic Stories From Experience (750) Homiletical Helps (757) Thoughts for the Unsaved (759) Notes on the Jews and Prophecy (760) Hell a Reasonable Belief—By Dr. John R. Stratton (762) There Was a Church in Our Town—By Rev. Will Houghton (764) Sunday School Lessons (766) Daily Devotional Readings—By Dr. F. W. Farr (798) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Office of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536-558 South Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected with the Bible Institute. Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES, 15 CENTS O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A

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